Fanhua Inc. (NASDAQ:FANH) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Okay. To answer your question about what value do we bring to these independent brokers from our Open Platform? We would like to share with you five things. Firstly is obviously the products and services they can get from our platform insurance products, mutual funds, retirement products, et cetera. And then secondly is digital operation. So we provide them the tools to conduct transaction digital training, et cetera. And then thirdly is professional training. We basically offer a comprehensive training schedule from risk management to retirement needs as well as family consultation. So for a lot of these agents, what we want to do is basically develop a full time career path for them so that they become competent not only in selling insurance, but a full range of financial services products.

And then fourthly is capital support, and we think that’s going to become increasingly more important. Some of you probably aware that the regulator has already started changing the commission structure of the bank assurance channel. We think it’s likely that they’re going to change the commission structure for the broker channel as well. We think that they’re likely to reduce the first year commission and put more weighting on renewal commissions. And as a result, that’s going to bring challenges for a lot of our peers, particularly the smaller ones that lack capital and scale. And we think this is an area where we could, without significant capital resources, could provide support. And then lastly is in terms of future technology and tools.

We think that we are at a juncture where artificial intelligence and large data modeling is becoming an essential part of the sales process for our business. And so this is an area where we’re going to continue to invest. Some of you may know, to give an example, we were speaking to some insurance executives from overseas recently who are in China for a tour, and we show them Suzuzen, digital avatar, basically insurance agents providing in front of a camera, but turn themselves into a digital person where they can sell insurance through TikTok or Douyin in China. In the past, they have to go to a studio to record this, and they can probably only sell during a certain period of time, but through artificial intelligence now we basically can create these contents with speed and more importantly, with flexibility.

So these are the use cases of artificial intelligence that could be adopted in our industry. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. I see no further questions at this time. I will turn the call back to Oasis Qiu. Thank you.

Oasis Qiu : Thank you. Thank you for participating in today’s conference call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect.

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