Facebook Future Plans: It has been one year since Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) went public. Over this time, the company’s stock has been all over the place. Along the way, users and investors have wondered what the social networking giant has in store for the future.
Despite the fact that mobile users are pushing Facebook’s growth to new levels, the company has to come up with new ways to keep users engaged. While the company is sure to have some ideas in the pipeline, it will be interesting to see what it comes up with as 2013 continues to wear on.
While most people have suggestions on what Facebook should do to better engage users, Boorstin added some additional information to a topic that is sure to be hotly discussed for the foreseeable future.
The host opened the segment with the following:
“It has been one year since Facebook went public. As the social network moves forward, what are some of the biggest threats to its business and any potential plans for the future.:
Here is what Boorstin had to say:
“To maintain Facebook’s cool factor, it needs to avoid overwhelming users with ads or violating their privacy. Perhaps most important, it needs to keep innovating or acquiring in a couple key areas.”
This is an interesting point, as many share the same view that Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) will continue to acquire companies in key areas as a means of strengthening its offerings.
Boorstin went on to add:
“Rupert Murdoch Tweeted last night warning that Facebook quote “Hours spent participating per member dropping seriously, the first really bad sign as seen by crappy MySpace years ago.”
Does Facebook feel the same way? Of course not.
“Facebook disagrees, saying its younger users are its most engaged. But teens and twenty-something’s are increasingly spending time on Tumblr, which drew 117 million visitors in April and acquisition interest from Yahoo, which could bring Facebook into the bidding process as well.”
Now that you have heard some thoughts on where Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) stands right now and what it needs to do moving forward, feel free to share your thoughts on the strategy that you feel is best for the company.
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