Editor’s Note: Related tickers: Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), QUALCOMM, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM), Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK)
Facebook to connect the world with Internet.org (DW)
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) founder Mark Zuckerberg announced Wednesday that, in addition to his company, Internet.org included mobile phone giants Samsung and Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), telecom firm Ericsson, chip maker QUALCOMM, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) and as software manufacturers Opera and Media Tek. The project was aimed at enabling around 5 billion people in the developing world without Internet access to come online in five to ten years, Zuckerberg said in a statement. “The goal of Internet.org is to make Internet access available to the two-thirds of the world who are not connected and to bring the same opportunities to everyone that the connected third of the world has today,” he added.
Palestinian hacker exposing Facebook bug on Mark Zuckerberg’s wall to be rewarded (Jagran)
Terming the company’s decision as unwarranted, several hackers across the globe said that the networking giant had unfairly denied Khalil Shreateh, a Palestinian, a payment under its “Bug Bounty” program. It doles out at least USD 500 to an individual who brings software bugs to the company’s attention. Marc Maiffret, chief technology officer of cybersecurity firm BeyondTrust, said that he is mobilizing fellow hackers to raise a USD 10,000 reward for Shreateh. Maiffret, a high school dropout and self-taught hacker, said on Tuesday that he has raised about USD 9,000 so far, including the USD 2,000 he initially contributed.
‘Instagram for PC’ application is a marketing scam (PCWorld)
An advertisement circulating on Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) and Twitter for a desktop version of the photo-sharing application Instagram is a scam, according to security vendor Symantec. Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is only available for mobile devices. Its popularity, however, makes it attractive for spammers and scammers, wrote Satnam Narang, a security response manager with Symantec, on Tuesday. “Both of the supposed versions of Instagram for PC do not deliver as promised,” Narang wrote. “This is just another vehicle for the scammers to convince users to fill out surveys, so they earn money through shady affiliate programs.”
14 million Canadians use Facebook everyday (Canada)
According to Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), more than 14 million Canadians use the social network everyday. 9.5 million of those Canadians who use Facebook do so from their mobile device. “People are online numerous times in a single day and are constantly connected; creating, sharing and engaging with the content that matters to them,” said Facebook in a statement. Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) also feels that numbers like this are “…(an) old way of looking at the media world.” They’ve stressed that when recording statistics like this, businesses should focus on who comes online every single day and uses the services multiple times a day.