Evolus, Inc. (NASDAQ:EOLS) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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David Moatazedi: The only other piece I’d add is we did look at what drove some of the pricing dynamics in Europe relative to the U.S. to Sandra’s point, our ability to do direct-to-consumer advertising creates a different market environment in the U.S. relative to Europe, where you can’t advertised to the consumer of drugs. Our ability to offer programs like consumer loyalty programs, not just for Evolus, but the competitive set is part of the reason why you’re seeing price only increase despite new entrants over the last 20 years. And we believe that these are very sustainable trends, and we’ve modeled accordingly. And if you think about it, there’s five players today, and that’s been over 20 years. If we pick up several more over the next five to 10 years, it’s not really a significant shift over what you’ve seen in the past.

So I think our assumptions are very realistic and give us the opportunity to continue to deliver on volume primarily, but to see price potentially appreciate by some nominal amount.

Serge Belanger: Okay. Thanks. Nice quarter.

Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of Balaji Prasad with Barclays. Please proceed with your question.

Unidentified Analyst : Everyone, this is Killa [ph] on for Balaji. Thanks for taking our questions. Just thinking about as we get closer to the launch of your filler line, how are you thinking about implementing any bundling like programs? And just any further color here on what your strategy might look like, especially what you’re thinking in terms of the size of your sales force? Thanks so much.

David Moatazedi: Sure. Thanks for the question. We are actively in the process of assessing how we would potentially launch the filler upon approval next year. As you heard from earlier, we’re very excited that in the next 90 days, we’ll be filing the first two fillers with the FDA, which will put us on a clock, which is very exciting, considering we signed this agreement in the second quarter of last year. So the pace by which we’re moving is very fast. And we’re also excited about the fact that we have 13,000 customers now since launch with Jeuveau. That gives us a significant base of Evolus customers that we can launch from. And I think you can expect that, obviously, that partnership is an important one, and it’s a group of customers that we will focus on at launch, but there’s an opportunity to continue to expand beyond it.

We also have a significant infrastructure that we provide medical education, hands-on training that team is capable of supporting not just neurotoxins but fillers as well in addition to our Evolus co-branded program, which is designed today for Jeuveau, but it was also built from the outset to absorb more than one product. And that carries all the way through to our digital infrastructure, which was designed with the intention of the company building out a portfolio in aesthetics. And so we expect that the entire platform will benefit from the addition of the filler, which gives us a more comprehensive offering for our customers that are purchasing toxins and fillers in addition to the consumers, which we know a large number of consumers that are currently in our toxin loyalty program will benefit from adding on a filler.

So we see a lot of opportunities for these two to intersect the how we go about doing it. It’s something we’ll share as we get closer to launch.

Operator: Thank you. And thank you for all your questions. At this time, I would like to turn the call back over to David Moatazedi, President and Chief Executive Officer for closing comments.

David Moatazedi : Thank you. The results of the first quarter reaffirm the unique difference Evolus brings to the market as a cash-pay focused performance beauty company. Our continued strength in execution, above-market performance and building momentum will enable us to continue to outpace the market. We remain laser-focused on product performance and consumer and customer centricity, as we evolve from a single product aesthetics company to a multi-product performance duty innovator. Our journey towards profitability, slated for the fourth quarter of this year marks a significant milestone in our trajectory, underscoring our financial excellence and operating discipline. As we navigate the competitive landscape within aesthetics, we are consistently gaining market share and setting Evolus apart.

Our long-term goal remains clear to achieve at least $700 million in revenue by 2028. With a strong balance sheet, a differentiated product portfolio, solid infrastructure and sustainable competitive advantage, we’ve demonstrated the effectiveness of our business model, and I’m confident that we are well positioned to deliver growth and value for our shareholders for years to come. We look forward to keeping you apprised of our progress as the year unfolds. Thank you for joining us today.

Operator: Thank you. And this concludes today’s call. You may now disconnect your lines.

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