Evogene Ltd. (NASDAQ:EVGN) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Ofer Haviv: This is a very good question, and we are trying to tackle this challenge in different ways. The first one is that we are — if in the past, we worked only with two-seed producers. Currently, we are working with more than five and the numbers will continue to grow. And it’s in different regions. In addition, we expand significantly the number of Casterra employee, all of them are agronomies that have experience in growing castor and a significant portion from the time they are export, our seed grower in Africa and in the Brazil. As an example, Yoash is currently in the call, but he is looking at it now in Kenya, where he is conducting set of meetings with our existing seed producer and additional producers that we are planning to engage with them for growing for us additional castor seeds.

And we have one Brazilian employee that is located in Brazil, and we are planning to open a subsidiary in Kenya that there will be local people that will work for Casterra and they will be on the ground through the years all the time. So, in addition, I think that today, when we are choosing a seed producer, we are visiting his farm. We are checking the facility we have, and we are doing a lot of work before we engage with them. But maybe the most important thing is that we are not choosing one seed producers and give him all the — and build all of our expectation on him, like maybe we did in the past. Today, we are prepared to work with many seed producers in order to make sure that even if one of them won’t achieve his target, still we will get the overall performance will cover our expectations.

Operator: There are no further questions at this time. Before I ask Mr. Ofer Haviv to go ahead with his closing statement, I would like to remind participants that a replay of this call is scheduled to begin two hours after the conference. In the U.S, please call 1-888-326-9310. In Israel, please call 039-255-901. Internationally, please call 9723-925-5900. Mr. Haviv, would you like to make your concluding statement?

Ofer Haviv: Yes. Thank you once again for your ongoing support. Together, we will continue to drive our company forward and create long-term value for all stakeholders. Thank you, and goodbye.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes Evogene’s fourth quarter and full year 2023 results conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may go ahead and disconnect.

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