Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has not abandoned its Glass project, which is an eye-wearable device that connects through internet. The program has just been shifted to another division but it’s not cancelled. A Wall Street Journal article reported on the news and discussed about Google Inc’s sticking with its Glass project, as the company feels technology being used in device is too important to just throw away.
“It is a big and very fundamental platform for Google. We ended the Explorer program and the press conflated this into us canceling the whole project, which isn’t true. Google is about taking risks and there’s nothing about adjusting Glass that suggests we’re ending it,” said Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google Inc.
In January 2015, when Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) ceased the sales of its first version of Glass in market, lots of people assumed that the gadget is not going to come into market anymore. However, Google Inc.’s chairman has clarified the misconception about abandoning Google’s Glass by telling Wall Street Journal that the project has just been moved out of the company’s Google X research lab into a standalone unit and is not abandoned. Ivy Ross is still the Head of the Glass team but Tony Fadell, Head of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s Nest division, now has the supervision of product to make it ready to use for the people.
As Google Glass can capture videos and take photos without being noticed, it’s a threat to people’s privacy and has been criticized for this reason. But, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is still interested in manufacturing the Glass as it sees a potentially large market of the product. Google Glass could also help in saving peoples’ lives as it can be used by paramedics on the way, to get directions from Doctors, while bringing patients to the hospitals.
According to Google Inc.’s Chairman, Google’s Glass is similar to Google’s self-driving car, which is a long-term project and production of such things requires time. Positive use of the wearable device could bring lots of improvements in daily life of people which is why Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is not going to end its product’s life. It could take some more time before the Glass is available to users, but the search giant is not going to just throw away a technology that is so useful to people.
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