Parenting Behavior That Promotes Future Leaders

Much of our personality as adults is determined by our growing up and the things we are taught by our parents. Success is closely linked with how we were raised during our early years and our parent’s behavior can be detrimental in determining whether we will become accomplished individuals or not.

Following, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the top 5 most important traits of parenting behavior that promotes future leaders. Want to ensure your child has a bright future ahead of him? Read the tips and tricks provided below. Let’s take a look.

No. 5: Not being the knight in shining armor

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As a parent, it is only natural you want to always protect your child and come to his rescue when in need. But if you constantly do this, your kid will never grow up to be a leader. At one point, you’re going to have to let them get out from a mess on their own, without mommy and daddy stepping in. In this way, they will learn the importance of responsibility and cleaning your own messes.

No. 4: Cutting the umbilical cord

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Child proofing is one thing, but some parents take this to a whole new extreme and never seem to be able to let go of the safety harness they have around their children. While you might think that there are dangerous out there and you’re simply protecting your kid, the truth is you’re not always going to be there to shield them from harm. Learn to let go and let your child make his own decisions. This will help him mature faster and ensure a skill base that will help him handle any situation life throws at him later on.

No. 3: Being a parent and not a friend

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One big mistake a lot of parents make is wanting to become their child’s friend as opposed to their parent. But by doing so you run the risk of over-indulging them and raising a spoiled brat that will be unable to adequately conduct himself in society. As a parent, your role is to guide your children in the right direction, not to give in to every little whim they have. Learn to say “no” every once in a while and see how your child develops into a strong adult that knows he shouldn’t take everything for granted.

No. 2: Just the right amount of encouragement


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Emotional support is vital for the harmonious development of a child, but this doesn’t mean you should praise them three times a day, even if they don’t do anything particularly remarkable. The “everybody is a winner” or “everybody gets a gold star” attitude won’t serve your child much good in the long run. It might boost his ego for the time being, but the truth is, once he grows up and is faced with the real world, those over-inflated encouragements won’t keep him warm. Of course you should praise your child from time to time, but only in situations where he actually deserves it.

No. 1: Leading by example

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Children often emulate their parents’ behavior so often times, you don’t even need to hold them a lecture, but just act as a leader would. Leading by example is a sure way of getting your children to understand what they should be doing or not. The most important things you should be paying attention to? Remaining honest and respectful at all times, making decisions that are not only practical, but also ethical, as well as working hard for what you want and not cutting corners. By seeing his or her parents act this way, a child is far more likely to grow to be a responsible and grounded adult with leadership potential.