How about grabbing that saved up money you have in the bank and putting it to good use; for example by finding some of the best energy stocks to invest in on the market? After all, the energy sector has been booming, and considering almost all production requires power, this industry is bound to produce great results indefinitely. Nevertheless, not all companies active in this sector are worth investing in and some might even hurt you in the long-run. Hence, it is important to know not only which stocks have growth potential, but also which firms have already been performing well.
Thanks to an expanding global economy, the S&P Energy index, where the best energy stocks to invest in are traded, has done almost twice as well as the stock market in general. In fact, the energy sector achieved the best overall performance, with utilities coming in second. Of course it comes as little surprise to see these two sectors side-by-side in terms of growth, especially since they are somewhat complementary industries and thus have vast similarities.
Those who have taken particular interest in publicly held companies and are looking to make an investment, should also check out one of our previous posts regarding the best airline stocks to invest in. Those who prefer to stick with the booming energy industry can naturally do so, but remember that diversification is always recommended when playing the stock market. Either way, the following list of the best energy stocks to invest in will provide you with several great options to choose from, making it that much easier for you to decide.
5. Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP)
The people responsible for the creation of Phillips 66 Partners surely have much to be proud of. The amount of value unleashed from this company in the energy sector cannot be ignored and shares are up by 107% in 2014. If all goes according to plan, cash flow will be increased while assets are dropped, leading to a higher distribution per share, which is yet more great news for investors.
Phillips 66 Partners not enticing enough? We have four more of the best energy stocks to invest in on the following pages.