Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (PNK:ELTP) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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But as of today, I have not heard them say, hey, let’s go ahead and launch. All right. Corporate update, let me scroll down, I believe, — not mentioned an ETA of being moved into the new packaging storing facilities around June. Is everything still progressing as expected with this? Are we still running the same number of shifts as previously mentioned, at our main manufacturing facility? The answer is yes and yes. We are on target. We are on target to finish on June or hopefully before. And we’re still running the same shift as before. And once the new facility is commissioned. We continue to operate under the same shift because now we have multiple equipment. We don’t have to go a second shift. We’ll have more people running 1 or 1.5 shifts.

My question is in regard to manufacturing capacity, currently and growth in the near future at our existing headquarters in New Jersey. Also, how is the new Vault construction going? Thank you for all you do. The new packaging and warehousing sites will be of tremendous help. Once finished, we will be covered for the next five years, okay? That really helped cover our growth for the next five years. And the construction of the vault is going on time, and we’re working with the DEA to make sure that every step we take is approved by them before we implement it. How would you rate the growth brought by the sales and distribution team compared to before April 1st. The sale and distribution team, Kirko and his team are doing excellent. The fact is Kirko and Doug.

I mean, don’t forget operations because the Kirko and Doug and the sales and operations team go hand-in-hand. In addition to the quality team and regulatory team and the entire supporting structure for the organization. They are all doing an excellent job to date. And notice that we went through this whole transition without a dip or interruption in supply. And that’s really a testament to Kirko’s leadership and his great communication skills and Doug and the operation team and our quality and regulatory team. Financial questions, we moved most of them to Carter, but somebody asked about the stock buyback, okay, it’s the same issue. We’re not buying stock back right now. We have better use for our money, stock manipulation. We are on the OTC.

I cannot say much about that. An interesting question about employees but purchase from a gentleman that said in the past, I have worked for companies that allowed employees to the option to have a fixed amount of money, deducted from their pay-check to buy company stocks at a slight discount. It gave all of the employees the opportunity to have a stake in the company, does the lead offer such a program? I have worked for companies that offer similar programs, and I really enjoyed that and they give us 15% discount to buy it. Elite does not have such a program. As a matter of fact, we’ve had approach from the stockholders, when we pay people in shares before even the Board. So to do this is not feasible at this time. Now if we go to NASDAQ, it will be more possible.

It’s a very good idea. And someday, we’ll implement it, but right now, it can’t be done. Last question, let’s see, company’s futures, what would Mr. Hakim say is the likelihood that Elite will uplift to NASDAQ within the next five years? What would Mr. Hakim say is the likelihood that Elite will get bought out by a large arrival within the next five years? Two things I’ll say to that. One, cut that prediction in half or more than half. Five years is a very long time to do either. We are at a point where our fundamentals are solid, and we are in a growth stage, as I said earlier. We’re not flattening out at $30 million and $40 million. We skip the 40s, went to 50s. And we’ll talk in June once I have a little more data, what I expect for the future.

But definitely, the year after, we’re going to beat that. And the year after, we’re going to be that. So we’re at a growth stage. So the fundamentals are looking great, a buyout is looking great. And five years is way too long for that. So I would say either of this will happen in a couple of years. All right. That was the last question. It’s been a great quarter. We’re looking forward to a great year, ending in June. So we’ll talk to you after we file the 10-K in June. Have a wonderful day, and thank you, Matthew.

Operator: Thank you, everyone. This concludes today’s event. You may disconnect at this time, and have a wonderful day. Thank you for your participation.

End of Q&A:

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