Edible Garden AG Incorporated (NASDAQ:EDBL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Let’s bring in, let’s reuse, repurpose, reimagine some of these old greenhouses because it really plays into being Zero-Waste Inspired and doing more with less. And I think that, that serves us well. And it really worked out well in Grand Rapids and we’re excited about that. So I think you’re going to see us make some moves but I want to get through the next 90, 120 days and make sure we’re leveraging from a position of strength, especially considering what’s going on out in the economy in the market. So we’re going to play it a little close to the vest. But in the background, we’ll be looking to bring something in and really be very smart about how we grow this thing.

Operator: . Our next question is coming from Elon Friedman with VKC Fund.

Elon Friedman: Congratulations on the revenue growth. You said in your remarks that you believe that the company will achieve positive cash flow later this year. Can you please elaborate on how you expect to get there?

James Kras: We plan on bringing on our Grand Rapids facility, Edible Garden Heartland. That will be coming online in the next 30 days. With that is going to be a — it will be a considerable factor based on how much business will be in there and how that impacts our margins. So that will be a key driver for this, as well as the addition of higher-margin, more shelf-stable products that allow us to go into our existing distribution network at a higher margin. So that should help clean things up for us a little bit as we’re going to have kind of the right assortment with the right growing facility that we’re vertically integrated on that will allow for that margin expansion, which will drive that cash flow piece for us.

Elon Friedman: One more question. Can you please provide us about the partnership with the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the USDA and EPA?

James Kras: Yes, it’s pretty cool. It’s really around how the nanobubbles, which are essentially kind of what they say they are. They’re small oxygenated bubbles that , but will allow to stimulate plant growth. Obviously, plant growth, when you’re growing plants and not only do you sell produce, which is a plant, or you take — and you take those plants and turn them into some sort of ingredient, obviously, you want high yield. And if you can impact plant growth and what you can do it in a way that you better improve the conditions for plant growth and nanobubbles would do that, then obviously that impacts quality yield. And for us, obviously, we’re doing more with less, and it’s much more environmentally friendly than other types of ways to impact plant growth.

So it is funded, I believe, by the EPA which is very cool for us. We are really a partner that’s more of a test lab. And we are exchanging our knowledge as well as our facilities to allow them to do a lot of this testing and then we are able to benefit from it. So we’re excited about being in partnership with the EPA and the FDA and the USDA, and of course, the New Jersey Institute of Technology because we are a New Jersey-based company. So excited about it, it’s very promising and it’s important that the company can offer these type of studies.

Elon Friedman: Congratulations on the revenue once again.

Operator: Thank you. We have reached the end of our question-and-answer session. So I will now turn the call back over to management for closing remarks.

James Kras: Thank you again for joining us today. We are pleased with our progress in Edible Garden over the past year, and are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. We will continue to execute our strategy, and look forward to updating you on our progress in the coming months. Thank you very much, and have a good day.

Operator: Thank you. This does conclude today’s conference, and you may disconnect your lines at this time. We thank you for your participation.

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