Diana Escobar: Thank you for your question. With respect to OPEC, as you saw in the financial disclosures, the balance of OPEC as of this semester was COP31 million. In the second quarter, there was enough in corresponding to last year. And what we see from now on is that those compensations will continue to be core to the, at least that’s what we have seen so far. The idea is to have conversations so that the balances will not accumulate above 12 months, but at the same time that the conversations will not be premature. So, to have a margin for maneuvering and also for the government to see how the prices evolve as well as the adjustment. We think that is a viable mechanism. The fiscal framework in the middle, and medium term is giving us visibility and how the government is considering to offset balances from now on, we have a public document that shows what is the balance that the government expects for the end of the year, and also how we plan to offset that next year.
And that’s a premise of the planning. So, if you look at it from a historical perspective, the level of uncertainty with respect to the recognition of the OPEC account and the evolution of the balance has decreased dramatically this year and with OPEC. So, by the end of next year, the disbalance in the OPEC account should be minimal. That’s what we are seeing. And I hope that has answered your question.
Unidentified Analyst : The next question is also from Hernan Goicochea from LatinFinance. It has redeemed $832,000 in bonds. How did the company finance redemption of those bonds and what all their finance plans does the capital have for the rest of the year?
Jaime Caballero: Thank you for your question and the operation that we announced yesterday, it’s an appendix of the operation that we carried out a month ago associated to the bond that was issued. The idea was to issue that bond, which was $1.5 billion in order to the refine the existing debt. So, the resources used for this redemption were partially what we collected a month ago with the $1.5 billion. so, the situation, as I said in my presentation at least with the challenge of refinancing for the year to all of the short-term deadlines or expiration have already been resolved. We refinanced medium and long-term, some to five years, always to 10, and another to seven years. So, that gives us a debt profile that makes us feel more comfortable and gives us more financial flexibility from now on.
So, the focus then for the rest of the year is transit to next year. We will have a couple of maturities next year, about $1.5 million. We will be monitoring market conditions, so us to understand if it makes sense to activate some of the refinancing. That’s when all the themes and also the ordinary course of the business always consider operations to maintain our working capital. That’s what we’re anticipating. Thank you.
Operator: The next question comes from the chat [indiscernible].
Unidentified Analyst: What is the self-efficiency strategy for gasoline, diesel, and natural gas according to the demand behavior in Colombia?
Diana Escobar: Thank you for your question. There are no from the refining and industry processes vice presidency. I would say that it should be mentioned that Ecopetrol has an extremely relevant role for the supply of clean fuels to the country. It is worth mentioning that in diesel, the countries are self-sufficient and we even have balances that are exported from Cartagena Refinery and we have international quality. In jet fuel, we’re also self-sufficient and have balances for export. And this is done from Cartagena Refinery and talking about a normal operation with all our plants in operation. Sometimes periodically we have to have shutdowns in our assets and production units and the production can go down. But at large we have a surplus in diesel and jet.