Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited (NYSE:RDY) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Sameer Baisiwala: Thank you very much and good evening, everyone. The first question is on government grant looks like in 3Q, you did INR43 crores in first half, some INR240 crore odd. So, I guess your product mix is not changing that much. So, what’s driving this?

Parag Agarwal: So, the grants are — obviously, we file the applications as for the government’s scheme, Sameer, and it depends on the eligibility of the products and the scales that we are making. So, depending on the underlying numbers, the grant is recognized. So, it’s obviously something that will continue but will fluctuate from one quarter to another.

Sameer Baisiwala: Okay, no fair enough, I get that. But is the product mix changed so much? The products which were eligible, you didn’t do those sales in three–

Parag Agarwal: Yes, product mix changes and the sales level of various products also changes, so that that determines the incentive.

Sameer Baisiwala: Okay, okay. Cool. And the second question is on biosimilars, you clearly are focused on that, but if I look at your pipeline, I mean, first of all, good job on Rituxan for Phase III. But to succeed in this market, you need good five, 10 products, of fairly vibrant pipeline, several products in Phase III type of situation. So, can you talk a bit about it, how will you make a mark in this space?

Erez Israeli: If you recall, we decided at the time to skip the products that will be a with the product expiration until 2027 because we felt that we’ll be late to the market. And we have a portfolio for the pattern click that is after that, even larger number of what you’ve just said. We kept rituximab as it was already there. We already — we’re already selling in 27 countries. And by having the USFDA approved, it will allow us to sell it in many more countries and we have also agreement with the third-party in the US market. Rituximab also will be the USFDA and we will be able to prove the relevant facts from a GMP point of view. So, to your question, we are committed. We are committed to a larger number of molecules than that and other times we are going to sit and in accordance to the relevant data that we need to launch the product. And — but we absolutely are going to play biosimilars to be a significant player, especially in emerging markets.

Sameer Baisiwala: Okay, got it. And one final one is on , it’s been some time that we are stable at 14%, 15% market share. So, what’s the outlook on this?

Erez Israeli: And we’ll continue to try our best to gain as much market share as possible. It’s fluctuated in according to decisions of the customer.

Sameer Baisiwala: It’s not about supply chain or raw material issue?

Erez Israeli: No, no issues. This was sold years ago.

Sameer Baisiwala: Okay, got it. Thank you so much.

Operator: Thank you. Next question is from the line of Kunal Dhamesha from Macquarie Group. Please go ahead.

Kunal Dhamesha: Yes, thank you for the follow-up. So, I think on the biosimilar products that we are — whenever we have got the good trial data et cetera, do we have the existing capacity which can support let’s say fair market share in this product or would we need to invest more? And if yes, would it be the same facility where we would seek expansion or it could be a greenfield facility?

Erez Israeli: We are investing in capacity for the last five years and continue to invest, likely to see our facilities investment growing every year. Yes, we have enough capacity to capture market share globally.

Kunal Dhamesha: And what would be our current biologics capacity — reactor capacity in total, in terms of kilo-liters? And the gross block related to?

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