Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited (NYSE:RDY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

So if you wish, it’s a marginal investment that, give or take, we are already spending the last couple of quarters and maybe marginally up the more deals that we will do. But I don’t anticipate a major use of cash or cost in that element. It’s actually pretty straightforward in that respect.

Cinderella Carvalho : So the returns will be fairly high, is what you’re trying to tell with the minimal investments. But in terms of revenue, how should we see these like, if we divide into three segments, how sizable these. Each segment could be for us agent, generic, innovative, enlightened. So how big these could be from a brand perspective, I understand you have something like INR 150 crore per brand size in your mind over three to four years. But what it could mean to the entire India business?

Parag Agarwal: The intent is to bring a significant number of products to the Indian market in the next coming years if everything will be successful. We are talking about tens of agreements like that which we believe will be the main lever to bring us to top five. So if top five means that we need to double ourselves, give or take in the next coming years, that’s expectation that the innovation will bring most of that value come into play and the rest will come from the normal growth of the brands that we will have as well as the trade degenerative. So the innovation will be the key focus and the main growth drivers in terms of timing as we sign the deal. Then of course we need to allow sometimes time for a clinical trial, registration time and then of course the pickup of the brands as we are introducing it to the healthcare community.

So it will be kind of a pickup of a brand. So every one of these brands will take a few years before it will come to its peak sales. But the beauty about it, these are true innovation. They are not switchable and are bringing a real. A real solution for places that we believe that there is no such a solution or the solution where we need much better.

Cinderella Carvalho : Okay thank you and just one last question we’ve seen lot of Dr. Eddie’s name in terms of shortages products in US. Are you seeing some opportunities meaningfully for us over coming few quarters or are you planning to participate in some of them which could be potentially large for us?

Parag Agarwal: We do from time to time but to be honest I don’t enjoy when we are growing on the expense of others. I actually want the supply to be there for the patients so whenever it comes we are taking it but I don’t see it as a strategic growth liver. I’m happy to supply if it helps patients but I actually wish that all the companies will be able to sell normally and not to see it as a little goal but it is coming to us as well from time to time.

Operator: Thank you. We have the next question from the line of Tushar Manudhane from Motila Lospal Financial Services. Please go ahead.

Tushar Manudhane: Yeah, thanks for the opportunity, particularly on the trade receivables as I see there has been a good jump of almost INR 400 and INR 450 crores both year-over-year or even quarter over quarter. Is this more or less linked to North America business and is this more to fill up the channel and so the sales could moderate to some extent in the coming quarters?

Parag Agarwal: The increase in receivables is broadly in-line with the growth in business and the normal fluctuations that we see depending on the timing of supply and the credit terms there is nothing unusual and it’s in-line with the business growth.