Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (DLB)’s First Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call Transcript

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We will take our next question from Paul Coster with JP Morgan.

Paul Coster, JP Morgan

Thanks very much. I’ve got three questions actually. See if I can sneak them in. First one, you talked about higher tax rates set-top boxes and TVs, can you just also talk about the value of the attach per unit as you go into emerging markets? And are we including Dolby Vision in that number, is it a material amount?

Lewis Chew, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Hey, Paul. This is Lewis. As you know, we don’t historically breakout ASPs but I would say as a general comment that the broad profile of our ASP doesn’t change dramatically before we talked about this quarter and none of that attach rate is Dolby Vision. So, the ASP’s already are sort of mix to cost different customers in the region then there is no major shift this quarter.

Paul Coster, JP Morgan

Okay, Dolby Vision, my experience from CES is the product for CHC is the product that probably see on the shelves in the holiday season of the same year and although you’ve got a couple of Dolby Vision adopters out there, the mainstream high definition for 4K TVs which probably represent the next upgrade cycle in North America and Europe, don’t look like they are they are going to be including Dolby Vision at least this year. Am I correct in saying that? And really when we think of Dolby Vision are we to think of it as a calendar year ’16 opportunity?

Lewis Chew, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

I think when I look at — first of all, I think the prominence of HDR at CES really speaks to the market readiness for a high contrast wide color gamut solution like Dolby Vision and I think when I look at the on the content side of things we’re going to see OTT content available this year in Dolby Vision. I think that whether we look at terrestrial broadcast, Pay TV operators Blu-ray all are in discussions who are involved in those discussions in collaborating with those industries as to the best way to deliver HDR content to the home. And so I think that what you’re seeing on the TV side is, it’s becoming clear that it’s a worthwhile investment to start thinking about higher brightness, higher contrast television because the content is going to be coming. I think by the time it all comes together on a broad scale, yes 2016 is probably a good way to think about it, we’re going to see in the first-half of this year you’ll see the first Dolby Vision TV and you will see content available for that TV.

Paul Coster, JP Morgan

Okay, last question. You talked of this investment phase — R&D phase that we’ve been through, and yet looking forward the pro forma operating expenses continue to escalate, shouldn’t we see a moderation moving forward?

Lewis Chew, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Well, the investment in R&D and also in sales and marketing as we bring these to market is we still continue to plan on investing in these opportunities. What you should see is the early data point which shows this is leading to where we intend it to lead, which is returning to sustainable long-term double-digit revenue growth. That’s where we intend to be and we see signs that our investment in the last several years is poised to pay-off as we enter 2015 looking to build on the momentum we’ve gained in each of these new initiatives.

Paul Coster, JP Morgan

Okay thanks. I’ll jump in back into the queue.

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