Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA), as one is bound to expect, uses massive robots to help its workers build its electric cars. However, how does a company make these robots a little less intimidating to its human workforce?
It turns out Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)’s plan involves superheroes. More specifically, as Nick Tabak, Tesla Technical Engineering Manager, reveals to The Wall Street Journal, it involves the names of superheroes.
Tabak says: “When you give it a name, it now becomes a personality. It becomes like almost something living. It made them a little less intimidating and a little more like, ‘Hey, this is part of the team. We have a superhero on the team.’”
So at Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) factories, such as the one in Fremont, California, robots working alongside humans are not called by their technical names, they are called by their given names such as “Professor X”.
The first robot on the line at the facility, The Wall Street Journal reveals, is named after Professor X, or Charles Francis Xavier, the leader of the X-Men. Professor X the robot, lifts the aluminum bodies of Model S cars to another line, the publication reports.
Bots named Iceman, Storm and Beast then take over incorporating different parts to the chassis of the cars on the assembly line.
As shown in the video published by the news organization, these robots do indeed have their names printed on their bodies and on the barriers that separate the line from walkways on the Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) factory.
The Wall Street Journal says that engineers and workers at the factory are less suspicious about the robots in the facility. The publication adds that people inside the facility often call the robots by their names with some even talking to the machines while troubleshooting any errors.
One engineer says that the workers at the factory are happy they are getting help from these “superhero” robots as they do work that helps make other workers’ workday easier.
Daniel Benton’s Andor Capital Management owned 1.25 million Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) shares by the end of the last quarter of 2014.
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