DocGo Inc. (NASDAQ:DCGO) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kieran Ryan: Sorry, the public health emergency.

Anthony Capone: Thank you for helping us trying to get to. So the public health emergency we’ve been planning on for a long time. And so there’s many — it’s a very — when that was implemented, it impacted many, many things. And so it’s not just one silver bullet to mitigate it. But the biggest part of mitigating is just making sure that we don’t work on a fee-for-service basis. So most companies that are fee-for-service right now, the way that the reimbursement from insurance works or from Medicare works really dramatically impacts the level of reimbursement what that fee-for-service code is. They’re going to day after that’s over, potentially get less from Medicare, get less from managed care organizations, where it’s because of the fact that we do not take fee-for-service business.

We’re not subjective to that. It was reductions for Medicare or changes in the Medicare fee schedule versus telehealth or in-person. So we’ve been planning on this for a long time and structuring contracts in such a way that it doesn’t impact us. And again, it’s fully baked into the guidance that we gave.

Kieran Ryan: Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. There are no further questions at this time. I’d like to hand the floor back over to Anthony Capone for any closing comments.

Anthony Capone: Thank you, operator. Before we conclude our call for today, I wanted to add that on June 30 of this year, we will be hosting an in-person Investor Day at NASDAQ’s market site at Times Square from 1.30 to 3 pm. During this session, we will be presenting in detail DocGo’s vision for the future of healthcare. The session will include tech demos, Q&A and an opportunity to meet the entire DocGo executive team. We hope to see many of you there. And lastly, I want to thank our team. DocGo’s value equation is a combination of our proprietary technology and the hard work of our dedicated 5,000 plus workforce. Our employees are not only the bedrock of our company, but thousands of them are also partners holding DocGo shares and options.

I am sincerely grateful to each and every DocGo employee for their tireless efforts to help make high quality, highly accessible healthcare a reality and look forward to working together to take DocGo to greater heights in 2023 and beyond. That concludes our call this evening. Thank you again for joining us and we look forward to our next quarterly update in May.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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