Definitive Healthcare Corp. (NASDAQ:DH) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

And that’s something that our biopharma teams can take out and help accelerate adoption and their team can use Definitive data, for example, when we built Passport Express. That was Definitive data loaded on to Wizards Analytics and prepackaged to sell. And that’s an awesome way that we created synergy with them early in the process. So, I’m really pleased with how both have played out. I think we believe life sciences is a huge market for us. The TAM there is huge. The opportunity is huge. We’re growing very well there, even despite some of the macro trends in that market. If we look ahead five, six, seven years, it’s going to be a huge market for us. And both those acquisitions are really meaningful building blocks to the solutions that we’ll be able to bring to that space.

Craig Hettenbach: Got it. Thank you.

Robert Musslewhite: Thanks Craig.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question comes from the line of Kash Rangan from Goldman Sachs. Please go ahead.

Jacob Staffel: Hi guys. This is Jacob Staffel on for Kash Rangan. Thank you for taking my question. I wanted to touch on the conversations that have been had around the Atlas Dataset thus far, namely, we are in a time where we are seeing customers be more disciplined on their spending. And so what’s been the initial reception? I know it’s only been three weeks or so, but any color we could get there would be really, really appreciated.

Robert Musslewhite: It’s been great. It’s very early, obviously. It’s something that we’re super excited about. It gives us much more complete coverage of some really important areas and it unifies our data under the Atlas umbrella, which gives us a really exciting way to present all the strength of the data and the uniqueness and the distinctiveness of the data back to clients. So, that’s been awesome. It just lets us refresh the conversations. And I think it gives us a way to remind people just how unique and differentiated our Reference & Affiliations data is. We mentioned on the study, we’re number one or two for every use case we care about with that. And I think widely recognizes if you want that those — that kind of data, you need use cases that depend on it, you have to go to Definitive.

So, I think, look, in three weeks, I’m not going to say all of a sudden, we have millions of dollars of sales just from the Atlas Dataset, but it’s certainly been a conversation invigorator, and I think it will be something that’s meaningful in terms of the value we deliver to clients across the year.

Jacob Staffel: Awesome. Thank you very much. No follow-up for me. Thanks guys.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question comes from the line of Ryan MacDonald from Needham. Please go ahead.

Matt Shea: Hey guys. This is Matt Shea on for Ryan. Wanted to follow-up on the deal cycle elongation. And curious if you guys are starting to see any consistency in that elongation, meaning if you’re able to quantify how much longer those deal cycles have become. And then to the extent you’re starting to see some consistency in the lengthening, how that consistency or ability to predict the new normal increases your confidence or visibility into the 2023 outlook?