Definitive Healthcare Corp. (NASDAQ:DH) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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We have a chance to engage them around what did they miss about the product, how can we tailor better to them, by the way, did they know that we’re doing X, Y and Z and you get a chance to really engage with them when they’ve come back with a positive buying signal. So, again, I’m super generalizing because — there’s a lot of activity that we have in the market. I’d say that’s probably what I — that’s probably how I’d answer the kind of average typical case.

Jared Haase: Okay, great. Appreciate all the color. Thanks.

Robert Musslewhite: Sure.

Operator: Next question will come from George Hill with Deutsche Bank.

George Hill: Hey good evening guys and thanks for taking the question. Rick, I’m probably going to ask you to parse some of your words a little bit here. And if I think about the last quarter versus this quarter, I think the NDR expectation went from the low to mid-90s to the low 90s. So, am I reading it right that things have gotten a little bit incrementally worse? Or am I pushing your words a little bit too much?

Rick Booth: That’s a great question. I’m pausing to give a consideration. I think we’ve gotten more visibility as we’ve gone through another quarter, still within the same range to being more specific.

George Hill: Okay. And then I don’t know if my follow-up don’t even make any sense, which is that, if there are any change, I guess, last quarter versus this quarter, is it driven more by new sales outlook or by churn? Like what would have been the greater delta as we’ve moved 90 days forward?

Rick Booth: It’s really hard when you’re comparing conditions in one quarter versus another, without getting into extreme operational detail. I would say conditions have been tough, and they’ve remained tough. It may not be quite as tough as I’m hearing for some of our companies, but we’ll have much more information after Q4.

Robert Musslewhite: Yes, just on the — go ahead.

George Hill: No, you go ahead. I don’t want to interrupt you, sorry.

Robert Musslewhite: I was just going on the more qualitative commentary. It’s felt the same. We’ve kind of seen the same environment, it feels like across this year.

George Hill: Okay. And then the last one is kind of a strict numbers question. As we think about that NDR factor, is that on a like-for-like basis or inclusive of kind of pricing escalators for next year.

Rick Booth: No, what I was speaking to is the NDR that we expect on 12/31/23, which will be a backward-looking trailing 12-month NDR and that would be inclusive of price increases and decreases.

George Hill: Okay, that’s helpful. Thank you.

Operator: And there are no further questions at this time. I’d like to turn the conference back to Mr. Musslewhite for any additional or closing remarks.

Robert Musslewhite: Thank you all for the time and attention tonight for the good questions, and we look forward to seeing some of you across the coming quarter, and we’ll go back on our next call at the end of February. Thank you.

Operator: And this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for attending.

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