CSP Inc. (NASDAQ:CSPI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Victor Dellovo: Absolutely. Of what magnitude, I cannot say, for sure, but contracts, absolutely. We are signing contracts, and I know everyone gets excited when we put announcements out there, but major contracts, I will announce. But there are other contracts that we have closed that don’t warrant a public announcement, it could be 100,000 or 50 – 10. There are different levels of contracts that we are closing, but they don’t warrant a public announcement. So the major ones that are in the millions, are announced. But yes, there are contracts that are closing and will continue to close of different levels. And if we hit another major one then, yes, I’ll announce it when the time is right.

Operator: Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, Paul. Our next question is coming from Joseph Nerges of Segren Investments. Joseph, your line is live.

Joseph Nerges: Yes. Just one follow-up on you mentioned the webinar tomorrow with Rockwell and then you mentioned the journal article that Rockwell put out. Will you be putting those on the website? Can we access those on website?

Victor Dellovo: Well, yes. I think you had the invite already that’s out there, right? You can join the webinar tomorrow, right? And then the – once we get a copy of the journal, we’ll definitely post it on the website that you can go in.

Joseph Nerges: All right. Thank you very much again, guys.

Operator: Thank you. Your next question is coming from [Brett Davidson], who’s a Private Investor. Brett, your line is live.

Unidentified Analyst: Yes, I guess I was getting a little long-winded. So I didn’t get to wrap this up. But getting back to that kind of pipeline or how you guys want to refer to it, can you just give some character of kind of what the size of these deals are potentially are we talking hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions or all of the above?

Victor Dellovo: Tens of millions. We don’t have anything in the millions and hundreds of thousands, we have on the pipeline.

Unidentified Analyst: Got it. Perfect. Thanks a lot.

Operator: Thank you very much. [Operator Instructions] Your next question is coming from [John Crotty], who is a Private Investor. John, your line is line.

Unidentified Analyst: Thank you. Congratulations, guys. I really want to tell you that, that was great seeing the awards you won, but more importantly, you put out a PR the other day that really has some great information in it. You mentioned the new industries you had won. And I was wondering if we could just get a little color on them. You had stated that you had won energy and utility as well as pharma manufacturing. Now we’re aware of the pharma company but the other three are new and I knew that you were going after energy companies, especially with the show at Houston. Can you give any color as to what types of utility it was and maybe what type of energy company it was as well as the manufacturing? Thank you.

Victor Dellovo: The manufacturing – the utilities and the energy are like the oil and gas, I can’t mention any of the names, but they’re just you would know who they are. They’re just some of the big oil and grid companies that we’re talking to, and we met at shows and getting POCs together and trying to get into their labs. So yes, the shows have been really good to get us – to in front of different companies and build some relationships a lot quicker. So we will continue to do the necessary shows that makes sense for us.

Unidentified Analyst: Right. Because we were aware that the targets that they’re coming after in the U.S. be in the operational infrastructure, electrical grid as well as pipelines, those are the types of levels of quality we’re talking in the industry you’re involved with, right.

Victor Dellovo: Correct.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you very much. While that appears to be the end of our question-and-answer session. I will now hand back over to Vic for any closing remarks.

Victor Dellovo: Thank you. As always, I want to thank our shareholders for their continued interest and support. We are entering a period of increased activity, and we look forward to sharing our progress in our fiscal 2024, third quarter in August. Until then, be well, stay safe and enjoy the summer.

Operator: Thank you very much. This does conclude today’s conference. You may disconnect your phone lines at this time, and have a wonderful day. Thank you for your participation.

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