Archos Announces a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet (Yes, Archos) (TechCrunch)
Remember Archos? Yes, that Archos, the company that made portable multimedia players (PMPs) with below average touch screen ten years ago. The company is still around, selling cheap Android phones, cheap tablets, cheap drones and more. And yet, for the first time in many years, I’m excited by an Archos product again. The company announced (via Next INpact) a cryptocurrency hardware wallet ahead of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona — the Safe-T mini. Archos expects to ship its hardware wallet in June 2018 for $62 (€50).
These Cryptocurrency ‘Forks’ Could Beat Price Rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple (
If you’ve never bought Bitcoin, it’s easy to feel jealous of anyone who amassed a huge stash when they were worthless and then became unfeasibly wealthy. But there’s hope for anyone who’s worried they have missed the boat in the form of several new cryptocurrencies created by ‘forking’. That’s the name for a process in which a new coin is created by creating a branch on an existing blockchain – the name for the virtual ‘ledger’ which stories cryptocurrency transactions. The most famous forked currency is Bitcoin Cash, which was created in August 2017 August 1 when a group of Bitcoin miners announced that they would be ‘forking’ to create a new currency which makes trading faster and easier.
Wells Fargo Has No Plans to Ban Cryptocurrency Purchases on Its Cards (
EXCLUSIVE – Wells Fargo will not be joining some of the other big banks in banning its customers from purchasing cryptocurrency with their credit/debit cards, Bank Innovation has learned. Wells Fargo, senior VP of senior vice president, design and delivery leader in the Innovation Group at Wells Fargo told Bank Innovation in a recent interview that the bank currently doesn’t block any cryptocurrency purchase on its cards, debit or credit, nor does not have any plans in place to do so in the foreseeable future. This view stands in contrast with some of Wells Fargo’s rivals, including Bank of America, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, all of whom do not allow the purchase of any cryptocurrency on their cards.
Litecoin Cash is Surging, but It May Not Last Long (
Litecoin Cash is riding high, but it’s not certain that it will keep going. The fork from Litecoin, the fifth-largest cryptocurrency, has been dismissed as making little changes to the original token and even described as a “scam” by Litecoin creator Charlie Lee. A lack of support from exchanges could signal a potential end to its run. The cryptocurrency enjoyed a strong day on tracker CoinMarketCap, reaching a peak of $7.75 per token. Its current valuation of $6.72 means it has gained 32 percent in value over the past 24 hours.
The Ace Plan Of Ripple XRP (
While investors in XRP may be feeling a tinge of disappointment regarding the crypto’s recent 5.9% drop in value, the smart money is on investment in Ripple being a long game – and here’s why: Ripple is strengthening access to emerging markets in Brazil, India and China. Figures from the World Bank suggest that global remittance payments are on course to increase by approximately 3.4% – that’s $466 billion – in 2018, with two of the previously mentioned countries (India and China) having the highest incoming flows last year. Emerging markets are home to 85% of the global population, accounting for nearly 60% of global GDP. With this comes a need for efficient, cost-effective and transparent payment systems – something which RippleNet provides.
Arizona Silver Announces Founding Membership in Ethereum Blockchain Strategic Alliance (
Arizona Silver Exploration Inc (CVE:AZS, OTCQB: AZASF) has announced its founding membership in the formation of an Ethereum blockchain strategic alliance for gold-and-silver-asset-backed cryptotokens. The alliance’s members will seek to collaborate on the future offerings of cryptotokens and potential future initial token offerings (ITO). These offerings may be backed by gold and/or silver forward delivery, using gold and/or silver royalty streaming and other asset backed models, to develop future financing models for financing future exploration, feasibility studies, mine development and/or mine expansion, by its member companies.