Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (NASDAQ:CRDO) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Vijay Rakesh: Got it. And good to see you guys diversifying [3%, 10%] customers now, but I had a question on the optical, I see the DSP side, I think most treat models probably had a flat calendar ’24 and a big ramp in ’25, is that how we should look at it or do you see given the level of engagement on the optical IC side and it looks like things are going smoothly there that ramp could get pulled in?

Bill Brennan: Yes, I think we’re comfortable with what we’ve discussed in the past. I think the activity that we’ve got right now is significant, it’s leading to production commitments. We’re seeing ramps begin. And I would say that I wouldn’t really change the expectation I think that FY ’25 is really where we expect to get the kind of production traction that would allow us to hit that milestone I talked about which is 10% of our overall revenue.

Vijay Rakesh: Got it. Great. Thanks a lot.

Operator: And thank you. And one moment for our next question. And our next question comes from Richard Shannon from Craig-Hallum Capital Group. Your line is now open.

Richard Shannon: Well, great, guys. Thanks for taking my question. I guess both of my question probably on DSP optical side here. You’ve talked about kind of early stage ramp here with a single hyperscaler. I’ve kind of two questions here. What sense do you get of your share position here? You’re a leader or fast follower and then to what degree are we seeing some follow along with either additional designs with that customer or additional hyperscalers ramping there?

Dan O’Neil: Yes. For this first hyperscaler, I would say that we’re one of their partners for the optical DSP. Hard for me to say what share we’re going to have at that hyperscaler. But I think it will be significant. And with others, I think we’ve got a lot of activity again and it’s really across the board for front-end and back-end networks. And I think we’ll be in position in the future to give more color on that.

Richard Shannon: Okay, fair enough. I’m going to follow up on another question on DSPs topic as well. I think it was Tore’s question by 800 gig DSP. I think your response was something along the lines of revenue is expected somewhere in that fiscal ’25 from that. What does that mean about in terms of having better visibility on wins there? Should we hear about that in the next quarter or two or is it going to be more into calendar ’24 before that happens?

Dan O’Neil: Yes, I think we’ll give updates when we’ve got something significant to report. I know that that’s appreciated when we give more color, but I really want to make sure that we’re locked in and we’ve got many, many shots on goal, so to speak, many opportunities that we’re working on right now.

Richard Shannon: Okay, fair enough. Look forward to those updates. That’s all from me, Bill. Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. There are no further questions at this time. Mr. Brennan, I will turn the call back over to you.

Bill Brennan: So thank you very much for the questions. We really appreciate the participation and we look forward to following up on the call backs. Thank you.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. You may now disconnect.

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