Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (NASDAQ:CRDO) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

Suji Desilva: Okay. That’s definitely helpful, thanks. And then just to clarify sort of the landscape you’re selling into where some – there is Ethernet and there is some – there is certainly some InfiniBand out there. I mean, just the notion that you guys might at some point serve the InfiniBand market or that wouldn’t be a future opportunity and you expect Ethernet to take share versus InfiniBand. Just color here – some basic color would definitely help us. Thanks.

Dan Fleming: Yes, I think that NVIDIA has done just a fantastic job. I’m not sure if you’ve seen too many back-to-back quarters like what they reported. And so, there’s no question that the near-term InfiniBand is seeing great success for this the back-end networks within the NVIDIA clusters. With that said, we’re involved in many, many AI next-generation deployments, all of which are Ethernet. And I think if you rely on the market forecasters, they see a very clear coexistence between InfiniBand and Ethernet long term. I think you can measure it by dollars, you can also measure by ports and the expectation I think is that the number of ports in Ethernet is going to exceed that of InfiniBand sometime in the next few years. So I think that we remain very bullish on Ethernet within AI clusters, there’s no question about the amount of activity.

And there’s no surprise in the sense that the market is not going to be satisfied with the sole source provider. With that said, from the standpoint of our ability to do InfiniBand, there’s no limitations. So I can say in the optical space, we work with companies that are delivering both Ethernet and InfiniBand solutions. And as far as the AEC standard would go, it wouldn’t be a huge leap for us to develop those cables, we feel like there’s a market opportunity.

Suji Desilva: Okay. Very helpful, Bill. Thank you.

Operator: And thank you. And one moment for our next question. And our next question comes from Tore Svanberg from Stifel. Your line is now open.

Tore Svanberg: Yes, thank you, and congratulations on 400 DSP win. Bill, on that topic. It’s kind of interesting, right, because the 400 gig market is still in its early days. But we keep hearing from the industry that 800 gig is now ramping. So could you talk a little bit about your design wins and your ramps there? I mean obviously, now you’ve got this one win in 400 gig that’s going to ramp. But what about 800, when would that start to contribute more meaningfully to revenues?

Dan Fleming: So I think we need to look at the overall opportunity and maybe break it down between front-end and back-end networks. So I think from a front-end network perspective, the slower port speeds are still going to be very popular for a while. We see the market moving to 800 for the back-end networks in AI clusters that are moving at 100 gig lane rates and so the expectation for us on 800 gig is that we probably see that as an FY ’25 type of opportunity.

Tore Svanberg: Great. And I just had a follow-up on the question about the sort of caution for the second half of fiscal ’24. Obviously, there’s a lot of irons in the fire here, and I’m just wondering, is that caution kind of more tied to how these ramps go I’m especially thinking about your second largest AEC customer. I mean are you really concerned that it’s going to grow a lot for the next few quarters and then it digests? Any further color you could add there would be great. Thanks.