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Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) Upgraded by Jefferies

We recently compiled the list of the 10 Stocks Receiving a Massive Vote of Approval From Wall Street Analysts. In this article, we are going to take a look at where Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) stands against the other stocks that received an upgrade from Wall Street analysts. But first, we are going to take a look at what the markets are doing.

The major index futures are slightly in the red this morning. The euro’s descent to a one-month low comes as a culmination of broader geopolitical shifts, notably triggered by French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call for a legislative vote following his party’s stinging defeat in the European Parliament election. Macron’s move injected fresh uncertainty into the European political landscape, prompting a cautious retreat among investors and weakening the common currency by 0.4%. The ripple effect extended beyond currency markets, manifesting in European equities and French bonds, where nervous sentiment led to significant sell-offs.

This was particularly evident in the banking sector, with major institutions like BNP Paribas SA and Societe Generale SA witnessing sharp declines of over 5%, reflecting the apprehension surrounding the potential political ramifications. Meanwhile, the global financial community remains on high alert as they await the outcomes of the upcoming Federal Reserve meetings later in the week. Market participants are scrutinizing every indication and statement from the Fed, acutely aware of the potential impact on monetary policy and its reverberations across various asset classes. In a separate arena, the UK’s political landscape is also under scrutiny, with anticipation building ahead of the upcoming election. The findings from the Bloomberg Markets Live Pulse survey underscore the complex interplay between politics and currency markets, suggesting that a Labour victory could inject renewed optimism into the pound. However, lingering uncertainties surrounding the long-term implications of Brexit cast a shadow over the potential benefits, leaving investors cautiously optimistic.

Against this backdrop, the dominance of Big Tech in driving market momentum is undergoing closer examination. While technology giants have spearheaded the recent market rally, concerns about a slowdown in profit growth have prompted a broader conversation about the need for diversified investment strategies. This recalibration underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating evolving market dynamics.

The resilience observed in the US financial markets amidst the Federal Reserve’s extended period of unchanged policy rates, hovering between 5.25% to 5.5% for nearly a year, can be attributed to a confluence of factors reshaping the economic landscape. One notable transformation is the evolving financing dynamics, where non-traditional private funding sources are gaining traction over conventional public markets. This shift, driven by tighter regulations on public institutions, has seen entities such as pension funds and family offices increasingly injecting capital directly into the market, thereby reducing systemic risks due to their less visible nature and mitigating the potential for widespread market disruptions. Furthermore, the prominence of government spending, predominantly financed through debt, has emerged as a critical driver of economic expansion.

Unlike previous cycles reliant on corporate or household borrowing, the current phase witnesses a marked role reversal, with government expenditure taking the lead. This shift, while bolstering economic activity, also introduces a degree of stability, given the perception of government debt as a safer investment owing to the state’s ability to levy taxes. However, concerns linger about the long-term sustainability of this trajectory, particularly amidst rising interest rates and mounting fiscal imbalances, necessitating careful monitoring and proactive fiscal management strategies. Additionally, the Federal Reserve’s strategic approach to managing risks has played a pivotal role in maintaining relatively easy financial conditions, shielding the economy from abrupt downturns. Despite signaling a restrictive policy stance through interest rate hikes and reductions in its bond portfolio, the Fed remains vigilant to downside risks, intervening swiftly to mitigate potential shocks. This proactive stance, coupled with clear communication strategies, has contributed to sustaining market confidence and preventing the emergence of widespread financial instability. However, amidst the seemingly positive developments, caution is warranted as challenges persist, particularly in less visible sectors such as fintech lending and income inequality. The shadow banking system’s resilience and consumers’ ability to weather downturns without the safety nets of paycheck protection and stimulus checks remain uncertain, underscoring the importance of continued vigilance and adaptive policymaking to navigate potential vulnerabilities and sustain long-term economic stability.

On the precious metal side, the World Gold Council reports a challenging landscape for the gold mining industry as reserves of the precious metal become increasingly scarce. According to the Council’s data, mine production only saw a marginal increase of 0.5% in 2023 compared to the previous year. John Reade, Chief Market Strategist at the World Gold Council, highlights that while there was a 4% year-on-year increase in first-quarter mine production in 2024, overall production has plateaued since 2016-2018. This stagnation follows a decade of rapid growth starting from around 2008, reported CNBC. The scarcity of new gold deposits is a primary concern, with many prospective areas already explored. Large-scale gold mining requires significant capital investment, exploration, and development, with an average lead time of 10 to 20 years before production can commence. Additionally, obtaining government permits has become increasingly challenging and time-consuming, delaying mining operations. Furthermore, mining projects in remote areas necessitate substantial infrastructure investment, adding to operational costs. These factors contribute to the overall difficulty in finding, permitting, financing, and operating gold mines. As a result, gold prices have surged in recent months, reaching record highs driven by robust demand, particularly from China. Currently, spot gold is trading at $2,294.3 per ounce.

In this article we listed 10 companies that were upgraded by analysts and ranked them by the change in their market prices. Positive changes signal that the market participants agree with the analysts’ assessment.

Computer with charts

01. Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL)

Price Reaction after the Upgrade: +1.83(+5.84%)

On June 7, Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) was upgraded from a “Hold” to a “Buy” rating by Jefferies Financial Group, with a new price target set at $44, up from the previous $41. This upgrade is influenced by several positive factors including the company’s strong financial performance, undervaluation, and promising growth prospects. Jefferies highlighted that Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) is trading at about four times its EBITDA, suggesting it is undervalued especially after recent CEO changes. The firm also noted strong second-quarter trends and believes market consensus on EBITDA is too low. They see potential upside from loss of exclusivity (LOE) events and expect substantial cash generation through 2028, potentially exceeding the company’s market cap by then. Additionally, Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) recent $35 million accelerated share repurchase is part of a larger $150 million program, indicating strong financial health and commitment to returning value to shareholders. The company’s products, including Belbuca® and Xtampza® ER, have shown growth in prescription numbers, further supporting the positive outlook​. Overall, Jefferies’ upgrade reflects confidence in Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) future growth and financial stability.

Third Avenue Management Small-Cap Value Fund stated the following regarding Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) in its fourth quarter 2023 investor letter:

“Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) was added to the portfolio this past quarter, and the thesis is outlined below.

COLL is an abuse-deterrent opioid company. Since entering its commercialization phase in 2019, the company has benefitted by offering a competitive product to OxyContin. COLL’s lead drug (Xtampza) does not have a black box warning from the F.D.A. for pain management, which illustrates its lower abuse potential in this critical patient segment. COLL is a company we have been following for years since it announced the acquisition of its #2 competitor, BioDelivery Sciences in 2021. During that time, we have built conviction on the durability and continued growth of COLL’s future cash flows. COLL’s valuation has remained depressed, along with the broader healthcare sector. This presented a compelling entry point now that COLL has secured significantly higher margin, multi-year payer contracts because of its responsible pain management (as payers move away from Oxycontin). These contract renewals should help COLL build scale and margins and provide a well-defined path to improve its balance sheet.

The Fund initiated the investment when COLL was trading for a mere 3.2x free cash flow3, or 5.25x trailing enterprise value to trailing EBITDA4. In addition to a low absolute valuation, this investment appears to be misunderstood by investors focused purely on earnings who have not taken the time to sift through one-time items (such as settlement agreements and costs related to the extinguishment of debt) that understate the strength of its operating performance. The company has now completed a majority of its multi-year payer contracts at significantly higher margins to COLL. To underscore this development and what the market is missing, if COLL were to run its business as-is and retire its debt, we estimate it could have a $1 billion net cash position by 2027. Furthermore, if their largest potential competitor (Teva Pharmaceuticals) stays out of the market, it could produce another $1 billion of free cash flow over the next three years. The current market capitalization is roughly $1 billion…” (Click here to read the full text).

Overall, COLL ranks 1st among the 10 stocks receiving a massive vote of approval from Wall Street analysts. You can visit 10 Stocks Receiving a Massive Vote of Approval From Wall Street Analysts to see the other stocks that reacted to analyst upgrades. While we acknowledge the potential of COLL as an investment, our conviction lies in the belief that AI stocks hold greater promise for delivering higher returns and doing so within a shorter timeframe. If you are looking for an AI stock that is more promising than COLL but that trades at less than 5 times its earnings, check out our report about the cheapest AI stock.

READ NEXT:Michael Burry Is Selling These Stocks and Jim Cramer is Recommending These Stocks.

Disclosure: None. This article is originally published at Insider Monkey.

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A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

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