Cognyte Software Ltd. (NASDAQ:CGNT) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Mike Cikos: Got it. Thank you, David. And thank you, Elad for the thoughtful responses. I’ll turn it over to my colleagues.

Elad Sharon: Thanks Mike.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]. And our next question coming from the line of Peter Levine with Evercore ISI. Your line is open.

Peter Levine: Hi, guys. Thanks for taking my question here and I thought it’s a great way to go out to you and your families back at home. But maybe the first question appreciate the color in the quarter, but anything that you can kind of help guide us for fiscal ’25 in terms of when – how do you think about an inflection in the business? And then when you think about the top line, maybe just help us understand the visibility you have today and the confidence that back to your commentary around seeing some reacceleration into next year. Just maybe help us frame that out for – as we think about our models.

Elad Sharon: Yes, hi Peter. So we have a strong global customer base. We have differentiated technology. We have a lot of traction with customers. We do see their needs. We are pleased with the execution that we had in the last few quarters. We have good visibility into our backlog and it’s reflected in Q3 performance and also in the guidance we gave. We believe that we should see more growth and margin expansion over time. The reason for that is that the demand drivers, as I mentioned before, which is the bad actors that are becoming more sophisticated, the data volumes that are growing and customers have to scale up their solutions, and also the fact that it’s more difficult to uncover hidden insights and actually prevent threats before they unfold is becoming more and more complicated.

We see this – those demand drivers continue and becoming a stronger over time. And for that reason, we believe that we can continue and growing top line and with margin expansion going forward. About the specifics of the numbers for next year, we’ll give guidance for FY ’25 in next earnings call in Q4 call.

Peter Levine: Perfect. And then maybe share with us in terms of metrics for the business, net retention, gross retention in the quarter, any changes that you’ve seen nine months since your fiscal year, you can share with us any color in terms of metrics that get you more excited about the outlook.

David Abadi: Hi Peter, it’s David. So from a KPI perspective, there was no – I would say, there was not any indicator that show us that something goes to the wrong direction. Actually, the opposite. We do see the positive trend. Overall, we are continuing to deliver and execute our plan ahead of our expectations. On top of that, we were able to bring the backlog to higher levels. So overall, if you look at the KPI that we are looking on the day-to-day, we’re seeing a positive trend. We are not sharing customer retention and stuff like that. But in general, we do see strong renewals and a positive trend across the execution.

Peter Levine: Perfect. Thank you very much for taking my questions.

David Abadi: Thank you, Peter.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] And I see no further questions at this time. I’ll turn it back to Dean Ridlon for any closing remarks.

Dean Ridlon: Thank you, operator, and thank you, everyone, for joining us on today’s call. We are planning to visit the U.S. early next month and hope to see some of you then. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. And we look forward to speaking with you again next quarter. Thank you all for attending.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the conference for today. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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