When disaster strikes, chances are Clean Harbors Inc (NYSE:CLH) will be on their way. Clean Harbors provides emergency response environmental, energy, and industrial cleanup services as well as natural disaster relief and cleanup worldwide. They also provide recycling, chemical packaging, and other uniquely positioned services. This company currently has Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) facilities in the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Canada, Puerto Rico, Bulgaria, Singapore, Thailand, and Sweden. These locations are important to note because a worldwide presence is key to providing cleanup services no matter where a disaster happens.
Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the northeastern United States a few weeks back. When this disaster struck, America knew it would need the help from the same company who assisted with Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005: Clean Harbors. This kind of reputation is strong for the company going forward. Disasters such as these also cause a temporary spike in the number of employees Clean Harbors has. I am not saying that a disaster is a good thing for the economy, but at least there is something positive to come of it. Hurricanes Sandy, Katrina, and Rita all took about 500 clean up personnel, while the BP oil spill required over 3,500. Clean Harbors utilizes its resources efficiently.
Clean Harbors has differentiated themselves from ordinary waste management and disposal companies. Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) provides collection, recycling, transfer, and disposal services. They also operate landfills, waste-to-energy facilities, and have been active in supporting the switch to natural gas vehicles in America. Needless to say, Waste Management has a great image and is a strong company in this space, but they do not have a major disaster relief branch, so they are not a threat to Clean Harbors yet. If they were to enter the disaster relief space, they have the potential to become the worldwide leader overnight.