Cheniere Energy, Inc. (NYSE:LNG) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Jack Fusco: And Craig, I’ll tell you in my discussions with utilities around the world, there’s much more discussion around dispatchability and the flexibility that natural gas combined cycle power plants give the grid versus an intermittent resource like wind or solar as well as both as regulation. So what doesn’t get talked about are or Amperage and you can’t get either of them from wind or solar. They have to come from thermal or nuclear.

Craig Shere: Good point. And the last question for me on the discussion or debate about life cycle emissions from various fuels. Do you see this kind of obfuscation or debate at all increasing the demand or need to ultimately deploy carbon capture solutions.

Jack Fusco: We — as you know, we’re the only private company that actually did our own life cycle analysis and then had it peer reviewed. We had it published in the American Society of Chemical Engineers. It was commented on, it was blessed by academia and the scientists. We continue to revise it. We’re using more measured data versus calculated data. We — the inputs to our LCA is somewhere around 1,200 inputs that we plug in to come up with our cargo emission tags that we deliver on every cargo of our LNG. So we’re getting better and better at it. We work closely with the National Petroleum Council that’s part of the DOE, and we have developed a LCA that is, I’d say, a bridge. So it’s a directional LCA for those people that maybe don’t have the resources to calculate what their life cycle emissions is or are.

And that’s available now. It’s an open architecture. It was released in April in Washington, so we’re very pleased to be a major part of that analysis. And yes, I do think with this pause with the National Labs study, it will all come back at what the appropriate inputs are for the LCA. You should rest assured that Cheniere will be ready to comment on that and we’re going to comment on it with real transparent data, not with guestimates.

Operator: And that does conclude the question-and-answer session. I’ll now hand the conference back over to you for any additional or closing remarks.

Jack Fusco: Well, this is Jack. I just want to thank you all for your support and your attention this morning. Be safe.

Operator: Thank you. And that does conclude today’s conference. We do thank you for your participation. Have an excellent day.

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