Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:CHKP) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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And the main reason, but we’ve seen some companies that have nice numbers and so on, but the main challenge that we had with them that some of them didn’t have, an offering that’s simple but straightforward to setup. That’s critical. If you want to go big on the market, you can’t be in a solution. Again, if you look at all these startups, many of them or almost all of them lose plenty of money. Now the question is, if you can really make money. And if you can make money is because it can scale, because you can take that and to sell it to 10 times more customers without decreasing the [indiscernible]. Every customer — if every customer win means huge efforts, huge installations, very slow to deploy. Then you can scale it and getting it to the Check Point’s installed base, getting into a 100,000 customer installed base means that the solution has to be simple, straightforward and scalable.

And by the way, that in many cases when you take SMB technologies that have to be like that because otherwise you can’t support them and you can’t install them and add to them all the enterprise capabilities that we have in Check Point then you can get it [indiscernible] And I think we have a very, very good, by the way experience with the acquisition of the Email security that we have. We also took an SMB product and our largest installation archive of in 100,000 seats. So we took a solution from 200 systems and we are now making very nice progress, scaling it up. So again we’ve check that on the due diligence, we know what’s our limitations, we know what we need to scale and so on, but we believe it’s doable.

Patrick Colville: Terrific. Thank you, Gil. Thank you, Kip.

Gil Shwed: Kip, you’re on-mute.

Kip Meintzer: Can you guys hear me? Thanks. Thanks, Gil. Joshua Titlon on next, followed by Fatima Boolani as our last question of the day. Thank you.

Joshua Tilton: All right. Great, guys. Thanks for squeezing me in. And I will just say my thoughts and prayers are with not only you and the team but with everyone in Israel. I just want to sneak two quick ones in. My first is just what is your guys’ current expectation around a 4Q budget flush and do you feel like you need to see one in order to kind of hit out the numbers that you laid out for us? And then my second question is, do you guys view the Perimeter 81 acquisition as a way to kind of fill a hole that’s sort of been left behind by weaker firewall appliances or do your customers kind of still view SASE as an incremental purchase to firewalls with the expectation being just firewall demand will come back at some point.

Gil Shwed: So let’s start. First, I do hope to see budget flush in the fourth quarter, which usually happen. I think the only year that didn’t happened in my experience was last year. And when you look at our growth model, it doesn’t assume high growth, huge growth in product in Q4. So we kind of don’t assume that there will be a big budget flush. If there will be a huge one that we didn’t anticipate. I think it will all be upside for us. But again, every year except 2022, I believe, in my career, we’ve seen a budget flush at the end of the year, last year was the exception. And second part was about the Perimeter 81. I don’t think it fills a hole, it fills a big hole which we didn’t have because we weren’t active in that space.

I don’t think that in the enterprise space where like 90 some percent of our sales are, people are going to shift to [indiscernible] traffic through the cloud. We will keep their data centers, they will — they will do that but with plenty of opportunity. When we see a change when things going to happen is on the branch side. Branches are important part and there’s, when you take a company with 300 branches or 20,000 branches, then an architecture like what we have with SASE can work very well. I think we incorporating branch offices, but some will have our appliance with SD-WAN and some were pure SASE is also a good architecture for network. I think in terms of remote user access, it’s a good solutions. So, I think most of it augment what we do, they are directly in our industry.

And I can paint it just a different industry, it’s not different one, it’s the connectivity. I think 80%, 90% of that is not a replacement for our products, but it’s an addition, maybe 10% or 20% was an overlap between some products, but most of it is not an overlap from a dollar standpoint.

Joshua Tilton: Super helpful. Thank you, guys.

Kip Meintzer: All right. And last up, welcome back Ms. Fatima Boolani.

Fatima Boolani: Thank you very much, Kip. And Gil and to your entire team just sending my thoughts and prayers in this very difficult tumultuous times. I wanted to ask Roei a question regarding the Security Subscription segment. So the 15% acceleration we saw this quarter. I wanted to get your thoughts on where that potentially could trend up towards over the next couple of quarters. And if you can help us with some very specific pieces on, are you seeing very strong expansion activity into other product pillars? Are you finding that is really making more meaningful impact in driving the acceleration there? So, any thoughts around where that 15% could go in the next quarter in the near-term and medium-term and some of the key components that you expect are going to drive that acceleration.

Roei Golan: So, first of all , Again, we hope we will see the accelerate –I mean, acceleration of this growth. And again, I remind you that we also Perimeter 81 that awkwardly also help us with the accelerating this growth and the subscription because the revenues from the Quantum SASE will be part of this line, I mean, we will be including this in this line item. In terms [indiscernible] I would say, again in there — hopefully, it will be higher than the 15%, that we see. But again, it’s really depends on the execution. And where we see it today, I mean, the drive for 15% growth is mainly coming. I mean, it’s coming first of all, from the Email security. It’s becoming more and more significant for our business, it’s growing and it’s strong double digit growth, very strong double digit core.

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