Central Pacific Financial Corp. (NYSE:CPF) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Anna Hu: Hi, Laurie. Good morning. So, for our consumer unsecured book at the end of fourth quarter, it was just about $316 million. So, we did increase slightly from the 310 we talked about at the end of third quarter, and that was because we had a couple of orders in place that we did need to fulfill. But we did go ahead and really suspend any additional purchases for the rest of the quarter. With regards to the charge-offs, about $900,000 is from the Mainland consumer book. The breakdown was about $200 in auto, about $280 in our home improvement and about $450 in our unsecured consumer. And that’s all related to Mainland consumer.

Laurie Hunsicker: Perfect. That’s great. Thank you. And then just going back to margin, David, do you have a spot margin for December?

David Morimoto: Yes. So, December spot was 317, which is flat to the full quarter. And then just to give you a little more color, spot interest bearing deposit costs in December was 73 basis points, which increased 10 basis points month-over-month, while December loan yields was — were 420, which in increased 12 basis points month-over-month. So, I think that — all of that data is supportive of the flattish and guide that we provided.

Laurie Hunsicker: Perfect. That’s helpful. Thank you. I’ll leave it there.

Arnold Martines: Thanks Laurie.

Operator: Thank you Ms. Hunsicker. There are no additional questions waiting at this time. So, I will turn the call over to Arnold Martines for any further remarks.

End of Q&A:

Arnold Martines: Thanks a lot. Thank you very much for participating in our earnings call for the fourth quarter of 2022. We look forward to future opportunities to update you on our progress.

Operator: That concludes today’s call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect your line.

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