Celsius Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CELH) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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John Fieldly: We’re seeing that now in certain locations within our given stores like Ralphs. They’re placing us where you have grab-and-go. I know — and several Publixes and Kroger’s were placed in — we have secondary placements in the grab-and-go section, so where people are getting food and grabbing food items. So, I think that’s a huge opportunity for us. I know I see tons of people, we have a cafeteria or a small eatery right next to our office, and you see people having sandwiches and bowls and they sell a lot of Celsius there. So, I think there’s a huge opportunity and unlock as we grow forward. Just that Celsius plays outside of traditional energy, and that opens up a bigger TAM opportunity. Also, when you look at the — some of the latest data points coming out and you look at total beverage brands, Celsius just made it into the top 10 within total beverages within the LRB, which is liquid refreshing beverages in the overall category, which is another great achievement that the portfolio has been able to achieve in the third quarter.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jeff Van Sinderen with B. Riley. Please proceed with your question.

Jeff Van Sinderen: Good morning, everyone. Just wanted to touch on sort of the fact that you’ve got ongoing distribution and elevation and SKU expansion. And I guess, how are you thinking about seasonality for Q4 this year, keeping in mind the comparison to the Pepsi launch last year?

John Fieldly: Thanks, Jeff. When you look at seasonality, it is something in the category that has happened. We started — we saw that last year. There is going to be some seasonality. We should all anticipate some seasonality within the quarter. And what that looks like as we go into — finalize the quarter, we need to evaluate that. But also, you have another — we’ve talked about it earlier, a potential inventory — reduction of inventory within our Pepsi partner, which is our main supplier at this point. So, in addition to that and the seasonality, anticipate some type of pullback in the fourth quarter just with traditional seasonality levels.

Jeff Van Sinderen: Okay, that’s helpful. And then aside from the Essentials line, is there other substantial innovation you have planned for 2024? Or is the main innovation engine Essentials for ’24? Or maybe if you could just touch on further innovation plans for ’24?

John Fieldly: Yes, absolutely. Innovation for ’24, we have been working really hard. The team has been working really hard. We’re going to continue to build out our portfolios between our core fruit four flavor offerings. We have some new great flavors coming in. We’ll announce those shortly. We have new Vibe flavors coming out where we’re going due to the success is Cosmic Vibe. We’re going to continue with that theme through a trilogy. So, we’ll have some great flavors on that. I did talk about on the call our Celsius Essentials line, our 16-ounce line, really going after that performance energy category. And then a great opportunity we have and it’s something we don’t really talk about too much is our powders and on-the-go and really going beyond the bottle or beyond the can.

We think that’s a great opportunity. We have been getting a lot of interest — further interest from retailers on that portfolio, and we will be bringing out our Vibe flavors into our powder product offerings into ’24. So, we’ll see further expansion with all of our portfolios. And the team is really excited. We’ve got some great flavors and I know you’ll enjoy them, Jeff, as you’ve always been a big fan. But we’re excited where we stand.

Jeff Van Sinderen: Can’t wait to try them. Thanks for taking my question.

Operator: That is all the time we have for today. I’d like to hand the call back to John Fieldly for closing remarks.

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