Capricor Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:CAPR) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Brian Corday: And in terms of the support you’ve been getting from the patient family advocacy groups, which I know has been growing quite a bit. And the last webinar you had was tremendous. How is that going along? Are you seeing a lot more attention from them? Where is that leading you?

Linda Marban: Yes. So I’m very proud to say that we’re getting a lot of positive feedback from patients and families with DMD for CAP-1002. And I’ll just highlight very briefly the reasons why. Number one and perhaps most importantly CAP-1002 has a long and established safety profile. So the kids don’t get sick from it, there’s no safety sequelae. They really don’t mind it. It’s a 45 minute infusion once every quarter, super easy for them. And remember, these are kids and parents. So the number one thing they’re thinking of is the safety of their families. The other thing is, they’re seeing it work. So we’re getting anecdotal feedback and you also might have seen on the PPMD webinar we did a few weeks ago that kids seem to be doing better on CAP-1002.

And that’s supported by calls that I’m regularly getting from families either asking to get CAP-1002 or to continue in the open label extension that is further validated by the fact that we’re going into our third year of open label extension because families don’t want to give it up. So we’re positioning it as backbone therapy as I’ve said a few times in this call and other places that we think it’ll go along with gene therapy or whatever else is approved. And continue to support the health and well-being of patients with DMD.

Brian Corday: As a little point to that, I don’t think people are really understanding the gravity of how important it was for that webinar you had a couple of weeks ago and the ground swell that you’ve had, the people that have been pushing for it from the families. And it would be really great if some of the analysts on this call could reach out to those people and understand how important that was. Yes, I think it was great. Now in terms of the meeting in Dallas that you’re going to, were you — since it’s such a last minute addition, were you asked to come to that or did you ask them to present?

Linda Marban: No. So we did — so the classic road of submitting an abstract of the data and they responded in classic fashion by accepting it. We did it sort of just in time. And so, we’re really looking forward to that presentation. We were there last year. It’s a wonderful meeting, great opportunity to present to patients. But also get in front of the investment community as well. One of the things that we really are starting to highlight again in the backbone therapy arena is the cardiac implications of CAP-1002 and the families now are sitting up and saying, wait a sec, we have a cohort of kids even with gene therapy that seem to be doing better. They’re staying on their feet longer and they’re more active, but their hearts are worse. And this is unequivocal. So there’s more and more focus on CAP-1002 will provide an added — an addition to the treatment paradigm by hopefully supporting the wellness of their hearts.

Brian Corday: Okay. Well, I’m really happy the way things had progressed. I have two questions for AJ. AJ, In terms of the shares that increased, I saw you sold about roughly 0.5 million at $6.16 when the stock was running. Where did the other 0.5 shares come from? And then final question for you is, have you adjusted your pricing model, because I know we talked about this last quarter, you were going to think about it, because I got to believe with the pricing structures that are out there now, you could definitely increase your (ph) that you projected for the regimen to at least 20% to 25% higher. Have you looked at that yet?