If you like exotic and exciting stories about the things that may scare and amaze you at the same time, don’t miss our text about the cannibalism today: 13 real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world.
When we think about cannibals, we usually think about long forgotten cases, often not being aware of the fact that they are very present even today and even worldwide. Maybe we refuse to believe in it because we are afraid of the fact that there is still a possibility to be eaten by another human being, or we are just disgusted when we think about the taste of the human flesh. However, let’s deal with the simple fact that we are going to present you with this list today; cannibals exist in the 21st century, they are our contemporaries, and they are not just the tribes that live out of the civilization, but also individual cases around the world. If you go deeper into this issue, you will be surprised by the number of cannibalistic occurrences from the last two or three decades, and if you want to read about individual cases, the list of 10 American Cannibal Serial Killers brings some spicy details about this issue.

Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock.com
We were surprised how the Internet is full of information about the cannibal tribes and families worldwide, so we did our best to make the research about the numerous cases and to make our own list. The websites such as AOL, Wherever Worker, Urban Ghosts, and NBC News provided some details about cannibals that made our blood freeze in our veins, because, we have to admit, this is not something that you just read and forget several minutes after that. Besides these articles, we were very much amazed by the personal confessions, such as those of the journalist Paul Raffaele who spent some time living with the cannibal tribe, and another similar case that was even more amazing and unbelievable to us. This made us think about other incredible things that happen in the world around us and that we are not aware of, but for now, we will just focus on cannibals.
I know you probably still hesitate whether to read this or not, but we promise not to present disgusting details as much as it is possible, since for some of you the mere topic will be impossible to digest. However, we don’t think that the ignorance is bliss, so don’t remain ignorant and read our list about cannibalism today: 13 real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world.
13. The Chijon Family
The Chijon family was not actually a family, but they were the group of people, including men and women from Korea, who decided to form the gang during the 90s. Their leader Kim Ki-hwan is at most places described as a merciless and barbarous person. The main thing they dealt with was kidnapping rich children, asking for large amounts of money in return, but unfortunately, that did not happen every time. Eventually, they were convicted for tormenting, murdering and eating five people.
12. The Price Family
This is one of those cases that you would wish not to have heard about, but since it is one of the most shocking so far, we have to write about it. This occurred in Australia in 2000, when John Price was killed or better said butchered by his lover Katharine Knight, who did not stop at that point. She cooked his head with vegetables and served it as a dinner to his children. Fortunately, the police came before them, and she received a life sentence.
11. Timur and Marat Case
What could be much terrifying than one guy eating his own brother? Well, think about two brothers eating their third brother and you will get the answer. This happened in the Russian city of Perm, and the two brothers named Timur and Marat that rank 11th on our list of real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world actually admitted killing and eventually eating their brother Rafis. They were already in prison before this horrifying murder, so they thought that eating him and burying him in the garden will help hush up the case.
10. David the “Chef”
Isn’t it gross to even think about someone who is a chef in his real life, to actually likes preparing and eating human flesh as well? This case happened in California in 2009, and after having an argument with his wife, Dawn, David who ranked 10th on our list of real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world ,“accidentally” killed her, and not knowing what to do, he decided to cook her. After the terrifying murder had been discovered, he admitted everything, saying even that the “cooking process” lasted for four days.
9. Omaima Nelson Case
This case number nine on our list of real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world may be described as the case of a black widow who is convicted of a second-degree murder. A born Egyptian, former model and a nanny, situated in California was accused of killing her husband. But, wait a moment, she did not only kill him; she actually ate him after taking away his life. However, she never admitted eating him, but the fact remains that she cooked him as a regular Sunday meal, being the reason why she is mostly compared to Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs.
8. Khmer Rouge Rebellion Soldiers
Cambodia is also the country where there are cannibals even today, and the story about Khmer Rouge Rebellion soldiers is the one that will make your blood run cold. There are still some living witnesses who tell the stories about horrifying things these soldiers did, and among everything, they also enjoyed eating humans’ hearts and livers while drinking alcohol. The soldiers were very cruel and aggressive, and eating people’s organs made them even more cold-blooded and ready for everything, and they definitely deserved the place on our list of 13 real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world.
7. Aghori Monks
Indian Aghori monks, the next on our list of real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world who live in Varanasi are believed to eat human flesh, simply for the purpose of reaching a sort of enlightenment and coming to new levels of their being. They usually live at cemeteries, and besides eating human flesh, they also use the other parts of human body, such as human skulls to drink from. Their main deity is lord Shiva, and they believe they are getting closer to it by performing such rituals, which also include alcohol, marijuana and meditation besides cannibalistic performances.
6. Mai Mai Militia
The Republic of the Congo also had some famous and unbelievable cases of cannibalism, and the most incredible ones happened among the group known as Mai Mai Militia. Paul Sadala, known as Morgan, was the leader of the group, and he was killed in 2014, after he surrendered with 42 members of his group who were accused of the cases of rape, kidnapping, sexual exploitation, and, believe it or not, cannibalism.
5. Nuku Hiva People
Though Nuku Hiva is a beautiful island in French Polynesia, we are sure that only people who are very courageous would dare to visit it. There was something in 2011 that happen to a guy named Stefan Ramin, who was a tourist visiting the island with his girlfriend; he went missing one day during a specific tour, and after a while his remains were found a little bit far away, and everything actually indicated that he was a victim of cannibalism.
4. The Naihehe Caves People
Located in the heart of the South Pacific, the Republic of Fiji, the Naihehe Caves people had a long history of cannibalism, so it is not surprising that even today, in the 21st century, there are still such cases that will make you feel terrified. The Naihehe Caves are the places where the last cannibal tribe lives today, though the issue is more or less excessively overrated, probably for the purpose of tourist attraction, but it still leaves a sense of mystery and horror.
3. Ituri People
The article that we read on the Rense scared us a little bit, since it was written in details, presenting the cases of killing, raping and eventually eating human flesh by the member of Ituri people who live on the island in Congo. There is a testimony of the massacre of the whole family, and one of the observers even claimed that they cut them in the same way people cut meat for lunch.
2. Asmat Tribe
At the second place on our list of 13 real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world we have the Asmat tribe from the West Papua that is actually the tribe that was always described as head hunters. Generally speaking, they are the synonym for cannibalism, and the most famous case related to them is actually the case of Michael Rockefeller, who got lost during one expedition on their territory. Though the case occurred in 1961, it took decades to discover that he was severely beaten, killed and eventually eaten as a part of a ritual.
1. Korowai Tribe
Korowai tribe is located in southeastern Papua New Guinea, and it is considered to be one of the rare cannibalistic tribes today. The interesting thing is that until the late 70s they were completely unaware of the existence of other civilizations, and today there are around 3, 000 members. It is well known that they will probably kill and eat the aliens who enter their territory, while on the other side they also eat the members of their tribe marked as khakhua (a witch) in the way they first torture, kill and then eat the person. Korowai tribe is given as an example almost everywhere where people discuss the cannibalism today, so we could not resist putting them on our list of 13 cannibalism today: 13 real life cannibal tribes, families in India and around the world.