Canadian Natural Resources Limited (NYSE:CNQ) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Unidentified Analyst : I appreciate that. And just to be clear, the tariff will be defined before line fill starts, is that right?

Tim McKay: We don’t know. I can’t say that definitively because the line fill could start here maybe in August, September. We don’t have control of that either. So, really that would be a better question maybe for TMX on when they expect to see the line fill.

Unidentified Analyst : Got it. And I appreciate the answers, guys. Thank you.

Tim McKay: Okay, thank you.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, there are no further questions and you may proceed.

Tim McKay: Thank you, operator. And thank you everyone for joining us this morning. If you have any follow-up questions, please give us a call. Thanks, and have a great day.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes your conference call for today. We thank you for participating, and we ask that you please disconnect your lines.

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