Byline Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE:BY) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Brian Martin with Janney.

Brian Martin: Hey, good morning, guys. Maybe can you just comment a little bit, either, I guess, I’m not sure who just done the outlook on deposits. I mean, you guys have done a great job with the deposit mix and maintaining that and obviously the core strength, just as you as we kind of get, what’s the rate environment changing here and people, you said Alberto waking up to where rates are, is your expectation that, it sounds like you can fund the loan growth with deposits. But as far as maintaining the mix that you’ve seen improved in recent years? How much change do you expect in that mix as you kind of go through the year and next year, just in general, as you look forward?

Alberto Paracchini: I think that’s a really good question, Brian. And I think our sense is that there’ll be some degree, particularly at the margin, there’ll be some degree of change in the mix for the reasons that you just stated, and I think that’s consistent with what I think as an industry we’re seeing, meaning it’s consumers, businesses you could buy one month bills or three month’s bills that probably with a handle in the 4% range, and if you want to maintain deposits and if you want to attract deposits, you have to, you’re going to have to be competitive with that. So at the margin, I do think that there’s likely to be some changes in the mix. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable expectation to have.

Brian Martin: Got you. Okay. And as far as just the government-guaranteed business, I guess, given where the average premiums are today, I mean, you guys have talked about finding that line of where you maintain them on the balance sheet versus selling, just sounds like next quarter is pretty stable, but just in general, how should we think about that business in €˜23, just as you guys kind of look at the world and what your expectations may be, as far as we see growth wise, more revenue perspective in that business? Is that something — is that the expectation or just maybe frame up just how you’re thinking about ’23 and from the government-guarantee business would be helpful?

Alberto Paracchini: Yes, I think for now, I think I would say that’s the expectation, I would with this past quarter, we saw, I would say a little bit of premium improvement from last quarter. And also, I should comment premiums are still attractive, I think we are, we view premiums, kind of where they are today is still attractive, certainly they’re not as attractive as they were call it a year and a half ago, and certainly before that for they are very, I mean, completely different rate environment and very different dynamics at that point in time. But I would call that period, probably the exception rather than the norm. It just so happens that we’ve benefited from being in that period seems to be for an extended period of time.

Brian Martin: Okay, so I guess the, just in general, a more favorable outlook in terms of revenue year-over-year, if we look at kind of full year in that business, despite the premiums kind of maybe where they’re at if they settle in so?

Alberto Paracchini: Yes, the one caveat again, though, is if we do see a slowdown in the economy, if we do see the economy go into perhaps a mild recession that obviously hopefully, you would, what you would see is going to be probably a slowdown in the — in aggregate. So I think we’ll just wait and see what kind of what transpires in that regard, Brian.