BurgerFi International, Inc. (NASDAQ:BFI) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Chris Jones: Eric, I might add to that as well and say I think that you’ve seen a pretty much a sea change here in the corporate office as well in the restaurant support center, definitely a much more engaged employee base. I think people are very excited by Carl’s presence as well. So I think that’s really an important element. People seem really ready to go and really want to make this work.

Carl Bachmann: I think — another thing we might want to add to that, just discipline around our decision-making process. And again, I alluded to it in the script, but I think it’s important to stress that we’re making very educated smart decisions using a very simple formula, and that is it has to be a right decision and a win for our guests, a win for our team members and a win for our stakeholders, which are our franchisees and our shareholders. And every decision will really have to fit that rigor. And I think that alone, to me, is a huge green shoot because we’re going to make good, educated smart decision moving forward, and that’s how we build our strategy. So I really think that, that’s a huge opportunity for the organization.

Eric Dusansky: Carl and Chris, thanks again and good luck to you.

Carl Bachmann: Thank you very much.

Chris Jones: Thank you.

Operator: And this concludes our question-and-answer session. I’d like to turn the conference back over to Carl Bachmann for any closing remarks.

Carl Bachmann: Yes, I’d just like to thank everybody for listening to today’s call. We look forward to initiating our plans over the next few months and really excited to speak with you when we report our third quarter results in November of 2023. Thanks again for joining.

Operator: The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect your lines.

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