Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:BCLI) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Chaim Lebovits: Yes. Just to add and again, I also want to of course commend the wonderful news you’re sharing about your son, we’re very happy to hear that. But in manuscript wise, our next manuscript would be a Biomarker manuscript. And as Stacy just said, even though your son got probably achievement quite a few months ago, but we got final data set just a few weeks ago and that’s when we have to analyze, and I don’t know how fast this is able to be published in a manuscript, because it depends on, as you know, the journals. And of course, we’ll try to have it out as soon as possible and in our comments we said in the opening, Stacy said that we will definitely find the platform to share the EAP data and hopefully even before an outcome.

Unidentified Analyst: Thank you so much.

Operator: Your next question for today is coming from (ph), a Private Investor.

Unidentified Analyst: Hi, good morning, everyone. I’m calling in on behalf of my son was also in the Phase 3 trial, he was 21 at the time of the Phase 3 trial and probably one of your youngest trial participants. He was diagnosed on December 10 of 2018, and he couldn’t find a family, he was less prepared for this diagnosis, much less, who knew anything about any trial regarding ALS. We did not know that NurOwn was the treatment that everyone was seeking within the ALS community. We knew nothing about the Phase I conducted in Israel. We knew nothing about the Phase II conducted here in the U.S. What we do know is that our 21-year old son is positive that NurOwn worked for him. We witnessed the benefits with our own eyes, as well as what he told us.

However, we have basically been called buyers, like people, who can’t seem to grasp that NurOwn does work. And despite having emailed Brainstorm twice requesting to be unblinded, we have never wavered in our advocacy for the approval of this treatment from day one. We have believed in it. Kate was not offered EAP in round one or two, so sadly not being unblinded, we do not know with the 100% certainty. If you received it in the trial, I do plan on testifying at the ADCOM, but it’s been 3.5 years since Kate received his third and final trial injection with no ability to access more treatment and something that works for him. He’s 25-years old now, he is still breathing on his own, despite being a lifelong asthmatic. He’s still eating, anything he chooses to eat.

Obviously, he has declined since being in the trial, not being offered EAP I or II, but it would be lovely to be able to speak with confidence. And I’m curious if you are planning to unblind any of the trial participants, so that the data that I present at the ADCOM is more believable, like it feels like Brainstorm and I’m not trying to be rude, has thrown us to the wolves to speak highly about a treatment that works, but then work called buyers, because we are not unblinded. And people would assume it’s a placebo effect. So my question is, is there any intention to unblind?