Boxlight Corporation (NASDAQ:BOXL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Michael Pope: You know, we absolutely have some competitors that have more aggressive pricing. So the way we price ourselves in the market is we’re not the low-cost leader. We’re going to be higher than the guys that price on the lower end. And we talk about selling value, which we do. It’s not just about a point solution. It’s about our total solution which includes hardware software services. And so there’s a reason we’ll charge a little bit more. But that being said there will be broader price pressure we believe in the near future. Now what does that mean? I don’t know. I think it’s going to be out a few quarters. But certainly we’re going to see some price pressure on our interactive flat panel displays just because of the life cycle of any product sees that.

And so our ability to maintain high margins is not going to be based on just IFPD. It’s going to be our ability to sell our broader solution suite, which includes software which has higher margins and accessories which are higher margins our STEM solutions et cetera. So again, we believe that we can continue to maintain high margins in the short — maybe midterm but long term is going to be a function of us selling our — being more successful with our broader product suite and it’s going to be a matter of product mix.

Brian Kinstlinger: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. And we did have another question come from Jack Vander Aarde from Maxim Group. Jack, your line is live.

Jack Vander Aarde: Okay, great. I appreciate the update guys. Thanks for taking my questions. Michael maybe I’ll just start quickly with the share buyback program you announced recently. I thought that was a positive announcement just want to understand maybe, I think in that press release you mentioned whenever the share — you’ll use it whenever you see the share below maybe the intrinsic value. So, maybe can you just speak to whatever color you can provide on what you perceive as intrinsic value? And have you used any of the share repurchase program to-date or are there plans to do so in the near future?

Michael Pope: Yes. Thanks Jack for the question. So, to-date, we have not exercised the use of that facility yet, but we were approved over the next few years to purchase up to $50 million of our stock by the Board. So, it’s a facility we’re going to use or we expect to use. Speaking of when, really it’s a matter of watching closely our cash flow generation and we expect that we’re going to start to generate pretty significant cash flows, particularly in the second half of the year. And as that happens, we’ll look at that excess cash flow that we have and look at the best way to spend that cash whether it’s paying down debt or investing in the business or buying our stock back. And I expect that in a short number of months, we’re going to be talking very closely about potentially purchasing shares back.

Speaking to what we believe intrinsic value is, I don’t know that it’ll — I’ll give you a specific number, but I’ll say that we feel like we’re well below where we should be. And I think that’s true of all the shareholders we talk to on a regular basis. They believe that our current value in the market is significantly below where we should be. And of course that’s true if you look at any type of earnings or revenue multiple you’re going to come to that conclusion.

Jack Vander Aarde: Okay, great. I appreciate the response. And then in terms of — I think last quarter you were mentioning when we started experiencing a slowdown in demand or seeing it happen that the FrontRow business was experiencing maybe a greater decline in demand at that time. It seems like it was a net positive contributor though in this fourth quarter. And I guess just looking forward, has your expectations changed? I think last quarter you were expecting the business to have a strong rebound in 2023. So, maybe just talk about what’s happened in terms of the FrontRow specifically with the demand outlook.