BlackSky Technology Inc. (NYSE:BKSY) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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But we’re kind of in that high 80%-s, 90%-ish sort of incremental once we get past that fixed cost. So, overall, when you start blending that together, I believe that we would be able to get kind of overall margins for imagery and analytics into that 75%-plus. I mean, in 2022, we had about 71% — 70.7% margins on imagery and analytics, when you take out stock comp and depreciation, et cetera.

Caleb Henry: Okay. And then, just last question. I think international government was contributing 15% to overall revenue. Given some of the new awards that you’ve gotten in the — boost in the sales team, what kind of percentage do you expect that to be going forward?

Henry Dubois: We don’t necessarily guide on the kind of by those regions. But you’re right, when you take a look at kind of what we did in 2022, our international governments contributed about 17.5% of our overall revenue. You can imagine as we start winning these big international MOD type contracts, et cetera, that, that percentage will go up. But we’re not guiding to a specific split here.

Caleb Henry: Okay, great. Thanks, guys.

Brian O’Toole: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, there are no further questions. I’ll turn it back over to Aly Bonilla, BlackSky’s Vice President of Investor Relations. Go ahead, Aly.

Aly Bonilla: Thank you, everybody. I want to thank you for joining the call this morning. We will be talking with you shortly in the future and appearing at certain conferences upcoming. Thank you very much.

Operator: Thank you. This does conclude today’s teleconference. We appreciate your participation. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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