BlackSky Technology Inc. (NYSE:BKSY) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Edison Yu : Great. Thank you.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Josh Sullivan with The Benchmark Company. Please proceed with your question.

Josh Sullivan: Hey, good morning.

Brian O’Toole : Good morning, Josh.

Josh Sullivan: These contract renewals, you mentioned the $30 million renewal almost 3x the previous one. What is your recompete or renewal rate look like over the next 12 months?

Brian O’Toole : Josh, I would say, generally, the majority of our customers renew with us. And as I mentioned, we go through a process where they typically start with a initial pilot capability and they expand that over time. We’re seeing almost no churn with the customers that we have, and most cases they are all expanding.

Josh Sullivan: And then, as far as the EBITDA breakeven target, how much of that is volume or how much of that is controlled by cost at this point to get you there?

Henry Dubois: Josh, this is Henry. Thanks for that question. The way we look at it is, I mean, we have been responsible in our cost management all along. So we’re very comfortable with where we are. And we are continuing to grow and hire people. But we don’t need to do that ahead of our need. And so, the way we’re looking at it is we do have some revenue growth that we’re expecting throughout the rest of this year. I mean, as you see with our guidance we will be growing in the second half. But we feel comfortable that we will be hitting that that EBITDA positive in Q4.

Josh Sullivan: And then maybe just one, last one. How’s the relationship with SPIRE evolving? What does the customer interest look like? And then, how are you sharing the value between yourself and SPIRE?

Henry Dubois: Yeah, Josh as we mentioned, we’re seeing really significant interest in maritime-related solutions worldwide, particularly in the national security sector. The – and in order to, in order to address that need, it’s important to combine the RF type of capabilities with SPIRE with high-frequency imaging capabilities, and AI analytics that we offer through our Spectra AI software platform. So, we are in the process of bringing that joint offering to market and bringing those to customers around the world.

Josh Sullivan: Okay. Thank you for the time.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Greg Mesniaeff with WestPark Capital. Please proceed with your question.

Greg Mesniaeff: Yes. Thank you for taking my question. As your customers renew, can you talk about any changes or adjustments to the subscription terms that you have put in into your contracts regarding episodic ordering as opposed to commitments in frequency and volume. Thanks.

Henry Dubois: Thanks for the question, Greg. I think most of the – these larger renewals are, you can think of them as take-or-pay type agreements where they’re subscribing to a certain amount of capacity on a quarterly basis? And they have access to that capacity as part of their subscription-based revenue and visibility into where and when those customers need our capacity.

Greg Mesniaeff: Thank you.

Operator: [Operator Instructions] Our next question comes from the line of Griffin Boss with B. Riley Securities. Please proceed with your questions.

Griffin Boss : Hi, thanks. Good morning. So, back to the Gen-3 launches, just thinking back to your launch in March, that satellite entered revenue-generating operations within 18 hours I think it was. And you mentioned, you’re already selling capacity for Gen-3. So, when we’re thinking about those future Gen-3 deployments, I understand part of this new capacity is going to replace existing capacity, but generally, will we be correct to look at these launches sort of as revenue inflection points or essentially a day after you launch your firing up new contracts and capabilities with customers or is it not so much a step function?