Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:BIOX) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Federico Trucco: Well, what I would say is also as a rule of thumb is that inflation is something that hits you up every month. The devaluation is when you sort of are finally able to catch-up, and that happens in more discrete events, like during last month, I believe we had a 20% devaluation, so that obviously will help us dilute some of our peso-denominated costs in real dollars, and in a way, catch up a little bit against the inflation that we experienced over the last several months, as we were probably having higher dollar inflation that would otherwise be normal. So I think the 20% devaluation in the business in which we operate should help us from a profitability viewpoint, as we still have a significant part of our costs in Argentina, which are peso-denominated.

Brian Wright: Great. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the time with all the questions.

Operator: Thank you, Mr. Wright. There are no other questions waiting at this time, so I will turn the call over to Federico Trucco, the CEO, for closing remarks.

Federico Trucco: Well, thanks again to everyone for joining and for the good questions. I think there’s a lot of information, as we are reporting our full fiscal year results. Do feel free to reach out to the IR team, to ourselves, to continue to sort of address any questions that you might have, and looking forward to continuing the interactions and hopefully have a fiscal year ’24, in which we can materialize the growth that is embedded in our business, and not have to deal so much with the headwinds that come from external factors. Have a great evening, everyone. Thank you.

Operator: That concludes today’s call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect your lines.

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