Billionaire Steve Cohen’s Top 15 Stock Picks

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2. Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL)

Number of Hedge Fund Holders: 48 

Point72 Asset Management’s Stake: $361 million  

Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) is an energy and petrochemical firm. The following reasons highlight the company’s strength as an investment target. In addition to solid fundamentals, the firm is also making long-term strategic maneuvers. For example, CNOOC and Shell have begun a joint venture aiming to expand a petrochemical complex in China. This project positions Shell at the forefront of the hydrogen economy, potentially capturing significant market share in the growing renewable energy sector. Moreover, Shell Offshore, a subsidiary of Shell plc, has announced the start of the Shell-operated Whale floating production facility in the Gulf of Mexico. Whale replicates the simplified, cost-efficient host design of the Vito platform, which began production in early 2023 and may hold significant investment opportunities.

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