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Best Malpractice Lawyers in Each of 30 Biggest Cities in the US

In this article, we will look at the best malpractice lawyers in each of the 30 biggest cities in the US. If you want to skip our detailed discussion regarding medical malpractice, its cost to the patients and economy, and industry developments, skip to Best Malpractice Lawyers in Each of the 10 Biggest Cities in the US

Medical malpractice can result in life-threatening consequences for patients. Medical providers take the lives of their patients into their own hands, so they need to be extremely competent. However, if they fail to give the right care, the patient can hold them accountable in a court of law for damages. However, it is often difficult to prove medical malpractice, which is why most people require the services of a lawyer specializing in malpractice. To establish malpractice, certain conditions must be met.

The plaintiff should have a patient relationship with the defending party. The medical professional must have a duty of care towards the patient. In addition, the medical care provider must have breached their duty towards the patient. This will prove that the medical healthcare provider acted unreasonably compared to someone with their training. In addition, one of the most important things for the prosecuting party is to prove that the negligence caused harm to them. It is also essential to prove that the negligence caused damages such as medical bills and income losses. Like all other cases, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. 

One of the most common types of medical malpractice is a misdiagnosis. Sometimes, a doctor would diagnose their patient with the wrong disease, which may result in a substantial physical or financial burden. Delayed diagnosis is also one of the most common types of medical malpractice. It can have devastating effects on the patient, especially in the cases of cancer. Treatment mistakes and incorrect treatment are also quite common medical malpractice that can potentially endanger the lives of the patients. One of the most dangerous forms of medical malpractice is surgical malpractice. Surgeons are highly trained to perform extremely precise and critical tasks. However, sometimes they can make mistakes which can have serious effects on the patients. 

Medical malpractice is quite costly to the American economy. According to a study, the average annual cost of the medical liability system is $55.6 billion in 2008 dollars, which is 2.4% of the total healthcare spending in the US. The costs associated with medical malpractice include malpractice attorney law fees, expert witness fees, attorney travel expenses, and other legal expenses. However, it should be noted that in most malpractice cases, attorneys work on a contingency fee, which means that they get paid only if the plaintiff is compensated. Indirect costs such as loss of productivity and income for health care providers also add to the cost of medical malpractice. 

According to the National Practitioner Data Bank, the average settlement amount in malpractice cases in 2018 was $358,451. However, the estimates of the average settlement amounts vary source by source. Some attorneys quote an average of $242,000, whereas Storm Law Firm states a figure closer to $400,000. Yet, the average payout for malpractice cases that go to trial is much higher, with some sources quoting a figure close to a million. 

Recent advancements have made it easier for attorneys and plaintiffs to find information regarding malpractice and fight their cases. For example, FindLaw is a leading online platform by Thomson Reuters Corp (NYSE:TRI). It offers legal services and software tools in a variety of areas, including divorce laws and medical malpractice. FindLaw is a legal subsidiary of Thomson Reuters Corp (NYSE:TRI) which also provides a comprehensive directory of attorneys. In addition, Thomson Reuters Corp (NYSE:TRI) acquired Casetext in 2023, a cloud-based legal research platform that develops AI-driven tools for legal professionals. The company also recently announced that it will invest $100 million every year for the development of generative AI experiences. 

Some insurance companies specialize in providing medical malpractice coverage to their clients. These companies protect their clients against professional liabilities, in case they have claims against them. In the case of medical malpractice, companies such as American International Group. Inc. (NYSE:AIG) provides coverage to the medical practitioners. The company was among the top contributors to some of the popular Hedge Funds, including Diamong Hill Large Cap Strategy. Although American International Group, Inc. (NYSE:AIG) was not a part of our 30 most popular stocks among hedge funds list, the company’s operating results outperformed expectations of most. We have previously discussed in detail why American International Group, Inc. (NYSE:AIG) outperformed in 2023 Q2, here. Meanwhile, here is what Diamond Hill’s Large Cap Strategy said about the company in its Q3 2023 investor letter:

“Insurance company American International Group, Inc. (NYSE:AIG) was also among our top contributors. The company’s most recent operating results outperformed expectations, as it reported robust earnings with improving underwriting margins in the property and casualty business. AIG’s strategic initiatives also added to the positive sentiment. The company made further progress in separating its Life & Retirement unit by selling additional shares via a secondary offering. Furthermore, AIG announced the sale of its reinsurance business to RenaissanceRe at an attractive valuation, a move that will further reduce volatility in AIG’s continuing operations.”

With that backdrop, let’s look at the best malpractice lawyers in each of the 30 biggest cities in the US

Galyna Motizova/


For our list of Best Malpractice Lawyers in Each of the 30 Biggest Cities in the US, we first picked out the 30 largest US cities by population. Then, for each city, we searched for lawyers using terms like “malpractice lawyers in [City Name]”. Finally, we looked at the number of reviews and average ratings of each lawyer and picked out the best. 

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a similar consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or a professional looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

30 – Gruber Law Offices, LLC – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Average Google Ratings: 4.7

Number of Reviews: 1179

Gruber Law Offices. LLC has over 120 professional staff and attorneys who are dedicated to handling serious injury and accident cases. Some of the attorneys have won several awards from prestigious groups nationwide. 

29 – Saiontz & Kirk, P.A.- Baltimore, Maryland 

Average Google Ratings: 4.3

Number of Reviews: 843

Sainotz & Kirk, P .A. specializes in injury law. The firm has a dedicated team for medical malpractice and provides free consultations. 

28 – Mike Morse Injury Law Firm – Detroit, Michigan

Average Google Ratings: 5

Number of Reviews: 584

Mike Morse Injury Law Firms has one of the best malpractice lawyers in Detroit, Michigan, as evidenced by its perfect five-star ratings in Google reviews. The company has more than 40 of the top accident attorneys in Michigan.

27 – Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz Personal Injury Attorneys – Memphis, Tennessee

Average Google Ratings: 4.8

Number of Reviews: 725

Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz Personal Injury Attorneys is a full-service personal injury firm that is devoted to fighting for injured victims. 

26 – Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm – Las Vegas, Nevada

Average Google Ratings: 4.7

Number of Reviews: 1774

Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm has been operating in Nevada for the last 40 years. The firm provides personal injury law services, including medical malpractice. 

25 – Morgan & Morgan – Portland, Oregon

Average Google Ratings: 4.8

Number of Reviews: 306

Morgan & Morgan has one of the best malpractice lawyers in Portland, Oregon. One of the best things about Morgan & Morgan is that you only have to pay if they win the case. 

24 – Cesar Ornelas Injury Law – El Paso, Texas

Average Google Ratings: 4.8

Number of Reviews: 258

Cesar Ornelas Inury Law firm operates in El Paso, Texas. The firm provides free consultation and in most cases, clients have to pay only if they win the cases. 

23 – Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers – Boston, Massachusetts

Average Google Ratings: 4.7

Number of Reviews: 412

Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers are one of the best malpractice lawyers in Boston. The firm holds the record of achieving the highest personal injury settlement, as reported in Massachusets weekly. 

22 – Cunningham & Mears – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Average Google Ratings: 4.9

Number of Reviews: 294

For people residing in Oklahoma City, Cunningham & Mears is the best option for malpractice lawyers, as evident by their 4.9 ratings on Google Review. 

21 – Price Benowitz Accident Injury Lawyers, LLP – Washington DC 

Average Google Ratings: 4.8

Number of Reviews: 520

Price Benowitz Accident Injury Lawyers, LLP has the best malpractice lawyers in Washington, DC. The firm stands out for its comprehensive representation in and out of the courtroom. 

20 – Morgan & Morgan – Nashville, Tennessee

Average Google Ratings: 4.4

Number of Reviews: 1381

Morgan & Morgan operates in several large cities, and Nashville Tenessee is one of them. The law firm excels in injury law and is one of the best for medical malpractice. 

19 – Robinson & Henry, P.C.- Denver, Colorado

Average Google Ratings: 4.6

Number of Reviews: 1083

Robinson & Henry, P.C. has the best attorneys for malpractice in Denver. It is the 15th largest law firm in Colorado and has handled more than 14,000 cases. The law firm has 68 experienced attorneys. 

18 – Moseley Collins Law – Seattle, Washington

Average Google Ratings: 5.0

Number of Reviews: 877

Mosley Collins Law is one of the best law firms for medical malpractice, as evidenced by its 5.0-star ratings. The firm serves in California, Washington, and Oregon. 

17 – Dolan Law Firm, PC Personal Injury Lawyers – San Francisco, California

Average Google Ratings: 4.6

Number of Reviews: 213

Dolan Law Firm has some of the most prominent award-winning attorneys, dedicated to representing their clients. The firm evaluates the case for free and only gets paid if their clients win the case. 

16 – Ward & Ward Personal Injury Lawyers – Indianapolis, Indiana

Average Google Ratings: 5.0

Number of Reviews: 309

Ward and Ward specializes in personal injury, but it has adequate resources for medical malpractice. 

15 – Price Petho & Associates – Charlotte, North Carolina

Average Google Ratings: 4.9

Number of Reviews: 412

Price Petho & Associates has been operating in North Carolina since 1979 and has collectively recovered over $250 million since then. The firm also has one of the best malpractice lawyers in Charlotte

14 – Kisling, Nestico & Redick – Columbus, Ohio

Average Google Ratings: 4.5

Number of Reviews: 555

Kisling, Nestico & Redick offer free consultations and are known to secure maximum compensation for their clients. 

13 – Thompson Law Injury Lawyers – Fort Worth, Texas

Average Google Ratings: 4.9

Number of Reviews: 299

Thompson Law Injury Lawyers has a 4.9 rating on Google Reviews, which is a testament to its expertise. It has one of the best malpractice lawyers in Fort Worth

12 – Pajcic & Pajcic – Jacksonville, Florida

Average Google Ratings: 4.9

Number of Reviews: 545

If you live in Jacksonville, Florida, Pajcic & Pajcic is your best option for malpractice lawyers. The firm has recovered over $1.5 billion for its clients. 

11 – Thomas J. Henry Law – Austin, Texas 

Average Google Ratings: 4.7

Number of Reviews: 2804

With more than 2800 reviews and a 4.7 rating, you definitely cannot go wrong with Thomas J. Henry Law for medical malpractice. 

Click to continue reading and see Best Malpractice Lawyers in Each of 10 Biggest Cities in the US.

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Disclosure: none. Best Malpractice Lawyers in Each of 30 Biggest Cities in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey

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