If you are a prospective physician of internal medicine looking to find your perfect residency program, take a look into our list of the 10 best internal medicine residency programs for cardiology in the US.
If you are interested in learning more about extraordinarily competitive programs, check out our article about the most competitive residency programs in the US.

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In our ranking of cardiology residency programs in America, we went straight to a source that interviews doctors themselves: Doximity, a network of over half a million doctors working in America. Doximity has an awesome system to help students find the best residency program for their preferred specialty called the Residency Navigator, where over 52,000 physicians participate in a survey and nominate the best residency program for a given department. We sorted the list by reputation. In looking for the best internal medicine residency programs for cardiology specifically, we sourced our information from Becker’s Hospital Review, Study, and Learn. We considered residency programs appearing in all three sites, and then averaged each according to their rankings.
So, without further ado, here is our list of the best cardiology residency programs in America.
10. University of Rochester – Rochester General Hospital
This hospital has one of the biggest cardiac centers in all of New York, with a 12-bed cardiothoracic intensive care unit and four cardiac catheterization procedure rooms. They have also received awards for their cardiac care and coronary intervention.
