News apps makes our lives much easier and here are the 19 best free news apps for iPhone and Android in 2017. Have you noticed how those around us on the subway, bus, coffee shops, restaurants and even at home are carrying their cell phone as if it was the most precious item they owned? Well it may well be, since being informed is of utmost importance nowadays in order to follow in real time what’s happening around the world. Besides, apps give us access to different sources, so we make sure we are reading real news, not fake ones. Large news organizations such as The New York Times, AOl, Associated Press, Buzzfeed and others made the list for the 19 best free news apps for iPhone and Android in 2017.
Since you can’t always watch TV and reading newspapers is a bit old-school nowadays, it’s all about the Internet and the news sites available for everyone to read. As long as you know where to look you’re going to find quality content and important topics. Of course, what’s important varies from person to person, but you’ll hopefully be able to find relevant information about the things that interest you on all these 19 best free news apps for iPhone and Android in 2017. You might also want to consider taking a look at these 7 best financial news apps for investors and 10 free no WiFi games for Android and iPhone for all those times when you’d rather relax.

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo
In order to create our list for 19 best free news apps for iPhone and Android in 2017, we checked out several sources discussing the matter at hand – great news apps. Then, we had to make sure they were free and available both for Android and iOS since there are apps out there that only cater to one or the other operating system. Since we wanted to make sure everyone is included, we made sure the apps worked on both platforms. Then, we looked at the ratings they received and at how many reviews there were, both important factors to be taken into account.
Last, we handed out grades depending on their ranks and came up with the final scores for these 19 best free news apps for iPhone and Android in 2017.