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Best Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers in Each of 30 Biggest Cities in the US

In this article, we take a look at the best car accident and personal injury lawyers/law-firms in each of the 30 biggest cities in the US. You can skip our detailed analysis on injury stats and go directly to the best car accident and personal injury lawyers/law-firms in each of the 10 biggest cities in the US.

In the pursuance of daily activities of life, one is liable to experience one or another form of injury or accident. Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School defines personal injury as any harm done to a person’s body, emotions or reputation. This includes car accidents. In case an injury is inflicted due to someone else’s fault, compensation for the loss can be demanded through the personal injury law, specifically known as the tort law.

Notwithstanding the inherent human nature for self-preservation, injury statistics are depressing. It is an alarming situation that after heart disease, cancer and COVID-19, preventable injuries are the most frequent reason of death in the US. The National Safety Council reports 224,935 preventable-injury related deaths (a death rate of 67.8 per 100,000 population) in 2021, which is an 11.9% increase from 2020 and a 99% increase from 1992. Related statistics show a 13% increase in home deaths, an 11% rise in motor vehicle deaths, 10.5% more public deaths and an 8.8% increase in work deaths over the 2021-2020 period.

By gender, we see that males tend to be more prone towards preventable- injury related deaths (67%). The council also identifies poisoning, motor vehicles and falls as the first three leading causes in this category. The age group with the highest degree of preventable deaths falls in the range of 21-67 with poisoning as the main cause for all ages. However, what is even more concerning is 62 million people (1 in every 5) looking for nonfatal preventable injury medical consultation in 2021. Nonfatal injuries that result in emergency department visit show higher statistics for fall-related injuries followed by struck by or against and motor vehicle accidents. The number of visits to the emergency department for unintentional injuries was 25.5 million in 2021.

Road injuries and fatalities are becoming an increasing menace for the world. According to the latest World Health Organization’s report, road traffic fatalities are about 1.19 million people per year, with 20-50 million sustaining injuries including disabilities. With a three-fold greater chance than high income countries, the low-income countries are a greater victim of road traffic crashes. However, as one of the countries with a heavy traffic load on roads (284 million vehicles on road) and a high count of valid driving license holders, the US has been reported as the top country for most car accidents in 2019.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle accidents have been either the first or second cause of death in major industry groups. The population motor vehicle death rate has decreased drastically in the last century and has been reported at 14.3 per 100,000 population. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there is nothing to worry about anymore since the vehicle death rate in 2021 still went up by 8.5%.  Motor vehicle accidents leading to medical attention were recorded at 5.4 million in 2021.  Total motor vehicle injury costs were reported as $498.3 billion. Motor vehicle fatalities have been recorded the highest between the age group of 15-64 years old. Forbes Advisor puts down collision as the major cause of motor vehicle accidents which can be attributed mostly to drunk driving and speeding.  Children under 15 experience the greatest number of deaths due to car accidents. On a slightly happy note however, it is expected that the number of road accident per one million people in the US would be falling down by 2025, along with a decrease for fatalities- albeit, a smaller one.

In 2020, the US recorded a 97% increase in personal injury/product liability cases. A 70% for law firms has also been registered in 2021, with a 3.3% rise in litigation practice as well. It is therefore, not surprising that the law firm industry revenue is growing. The combined revenue for top 100 firms have shown a continuous increase over the years from 2015-2020, with an even greater rise recorded for 2020-2022 period. Collectively, these firms have generated a $131 billion revenue in 2022.

Associated with a higher motor vehicle accident rate is the higher demand for vehicle insurance as well. Currently a $147 billion industry, cost of car insurance is on the rise as post-pandemic inflation and surge back to roads have driven up accidents and cost of bills. The forecast for the motor insurance industry for the year 2024 is at $1.36 trillion.

With the niche for insurance companies created due to an increasing car accident trend, many businesses in the sector have erupted over the years. Among them Progressive Corp. (NYSE:PGR), Travelers (NYSE:TRV) and Allstate (NYSE: ALL) are few of the most famous. Of the three, Progressive Corp. (NYSE: PGR) make up 14% of the market share and Allstate (NYSE: ALL) 10.8%. Forbes Advisor has picked Travelers (NYSE:TRV) as great for drivers with a speeding ticket.

Progressive Corp. (NYSE: PGR) is one of the largest motor insurance companies is the US. They provide both personal and commercial auto insurance. Allstate (NYSE: ALL) is yet another one of the best insurance companies in the US that provide auto as well as other forms of insurances for individuals.

However, Allstate (NYSE:ALL) has been telling some state insurance departments that it’ll no longer provide commercial coverage like auto and liability. The company said it wants to retire outdated and cost-inefficient legacy tech for a shift toward modernization for optimzation of its products. So far, states that have received withdrawal notices from Allstate (NYSE:ALL) include Arizona, Idaho, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina and 10 others. This has resulted in 25K policies which won’t be renewed.

Which state is most likely to have the highest car accidents?

According to USA Today, while fatal car crashes have indeed been on the rise in different states of the country and stand at 43,000 crashes a year, the crashes resulting in death are less than 1%. Texas, Florida and California have been highlighted as most likely to experience fatal car accidents, mainly due to high population and tourism. Texas recorded the most fatal accidents (4,496) for the year 2022 whereas Rhode Island had the lowest count (54).

Now let’s head over to our list of the top-rated car accident and personal injury law firms in the 30 biggest cities in the US.

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For the article “Best Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers in Each of 30 Biggest Cities in the US” we started off by shortlisting 30 largest US cities by population. Then, taking individual cities, we searched for Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers and firms using terms like “Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers and firms in [City Name]” and assessed them based on their Google reviews and ratings. For each city, we picked lawyers and law firms with the highest Google reviews, keeping the rating benchmark above 4.0.

Best Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers in Each of the 30 Biggest Cities in the US

30. Gruber Law Offices, LLC – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Average Google rating: 4.7

Current Google reviews: 1,173

With more than 30 years of experience and award winning personal injury and car accident lawyers in their arsenal, they provide excellent services to their clients.

29. Saiontz & Kirk, P.A. – Baltimore, Maryland 

Average Google rating: 4.3

Current Google reviews: 842

With more than 50 years of experience, this firm is sympathetic to the needs and rights of injured people. They provide a variety of injury services including car accident and have recovered over $1.3 billion in settlements.

28. Mike Morse Injury Law Firm – Detroit, Michigan

Average Google rating: 4.8

Current Google reviews: 3,472

Having more than 40 top accident lawyers who deal specifically in the field, it is no wonder that they have been reviewed as the best car accident law firm in the state.

27. Reaves Law Firm, PLLC – Memphis, Tennessee

Average Google rating: 4.4

Current Google reviews: 731

Established since 2006 in a state declared as having the highest car accident fatality rate per 100,000 people, Reeves Law Firm provides efficient and round-the-clock legal services for various injury related scenarios including car accident.

26. Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys – Las Vegas, Nevada

Average Google rating: 4.7 

Current Google reviews: 2,297

With an award winning team and Adam Kutner being one of the top 100 trial lawyers, the firm delivers maximum settlement for various claims including injury and accident, in as little time as possible.

25. Morgan & Morgan – Portland, Oregon

Average Google rating: 4.8

Current Google reviews: 306

Morgan & Morgan has become America’s largest injury law firm. Dealing with an extensive range of personal injuries this firm provides all kinds of legal services including car accident cases.

24. Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz, PLLC – El Paso, Texas

Average Google rating: 4.6

Current Google reviews: 623

Working from 1998, the firm offers a wide range of personal injury services and is appreciated for auto accident cases and a friendly attitude.

23. Morgan & Morgan. – Boston, Massachusetts

Average Google rating: 4.4

Current Google reviews: 2,451

Operating for more than 35 years, they are famous in Boston as well as Portland. Morgan & Morgan is popular yet in other states too, making it one of the best law firms for car accident and personal injury.

22. Parrish DeVaughn Injury Lawyers- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Average Google rating: 4.4

Current Google reviews: 543

Specializing in injury law services, the firm provides both personal injury and car accident legal help to their clients. They ensure to keep their client’s medical bills, pain and suffering in mind while fighting their fight.

21. Law Office of Robert Castro- Washington DC 

Average Google rating: 4.9

Current Google reviews: 817

Equipped with a very comprehensive injury related legal service catalogue and 30-plus years of experience, the firm provides its customers with top notch lawyers who can navigate them to victory.

20. Morgan & Morgan – Nashville, Tennessee

Average Google rating: 4.4

Current Google reviews: 1,373

Along with operating an offices in other states, Morgan & Morgan maintains services in Nashville, Tennessee as well.

19. Bachus & Schanker, Personal Injury Lawyers – Denver, Colorado

Average Google rating: 4.5

Current Google reviews: 1,527

Practicing various forms of injury legal services along with worker’s compensation, the firm claims to have a record of proven cases.

18. Moseley Collins Law – Seattle, Washington

Average Google rating: 5.0

Current Google reviews: 863

One of the highest-rated auto accident and injury law firms in the US, Moseley Collins Law offer personal injury legal services with a larger focus on malpractice but also take car accident cases.

17. Dolan Law Firm, PC Personal Injury Lawyers- San Francisco, California

Average Google rating: 4.6

Current Google reviews: 211

As California’s premier firm, they are not afraid to take up challenging cases and have a record of largest settlements in individual personal injury cases.

16. Hensley Legal Group, PC – Indianapolis, Indiana

Average Google rating: 4.9

Current Google reviews: 3,416

As one of the state’s leading law firms, it is not surprising that they cover all angles for personal injury related legal services including car accident.

15. DeMayo Law Offices, LLP – Charlotte, North Carolina

Average Google rating: 4.8

Current Google reviews: 1,341

Established in 1992, the company has recovered more than $1 billion for their clients whilst providing multifarious services including personal injury and car accident litigation.

14. Schiff & Associates Co., LPA – Columbus, Ohio

Average Google rating: 4.8

Current Google reviews: 615

Acquiring various honors like “Best Lawyers”, “lawyers of distinction” and “Super Lawyers” over the span of more than 40 years of work, Schiff and Associates have helped customers looking for help in personal injury and car accident cases.

13. Varghese Summersett – Fort Worth, Texas

Average Google rating: 5.0

Current Google reviews: 742

With highly satisfied reviews, this firm seems to be gaining popularity over legal representation in various areas including injury related cases.

12. Morgan & Morgan – Jacksonville, Florida

Average Google rating: 4.4

Current Google reviews: 3,136

Morgan & Morgan continues to satisfy customers all over the states.

11. Thomas J. Henry Law – Austin, Texas

Average Google rating: 4.7

Current Google reviews: 2,804

This is the largest injury firm in Texas and has gained name nationally by winning numerous awards over the years, in addition to being featured in prestigious magazines like Bloomberg Businessweek,, Forbes, Fortune and many more.  Clients searching for personal injuries and car accident legal services can look to them for help.

Click to continue reading and see the Best Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers/law-firms in the 10 most populated cities of the US.

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Disclosure: None. Best Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer in each of the 30 Biggest Cities of the US is originally published on Insider Monkey

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