Best 7 Acquisitions Made by Alphabet Inc. in 2015

6. Pixate

Score – 9

When Google introduced Material Design, it sought to make things easier for app developers by offering them a design language that used the card theme that was already popular through Google Now.

Pixate creates software that helps developers build mobile prototypes for both Android and iOS. The team behind Pixate explained that while it has been great to get guided through the years by various clients, they want more. “Our small team at Pixate has some really big ideas, and with the help of Google we’ll be able to bring those ideas to the design community at scale,” said CEO Paul Colton.

This is obviously a great news for the fellows over at Pixate since their horizons broaden considerably with such a move, but it’s also a good thing for Google since it can build up Material Design to new levels thanks to the fresh new eyes on their team, especially since they come with such extensive experience.

Bloomua / Best 7 Acquisitions Made by Alphabet Inc. in 2015

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