Bank of Marin Bancorp (NASDAQ:BMRC) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Woody Lay: Yes. All right. And then last for me, just another follow-up on the classified movement. Just any additional color you can give on the types of CRE loan that moved into that bucket? Were those in the office portfolio?

Tim Myers: Yes. Misako, do you want to take that, please?

Misako Stewart: Sure. Yes, one was office, one was retail in different locations. And both are supported by strong meaningful support by a way of the guarantees with liquidity. All right. That’s all for me. Thanks for taking my questions.

Tani Girton: Thank you.

Tim Myers: Thank you, Woody.

Operator: There are no further questions on the line. I’ll now turn the call over to Tim Myers for closing remarks.

Tim Myers: Yes. It appears we do not have any online questions. I want to thank everyone for your diligence and questions. And if anyone has any further, please, by all means, call Tani or I, and we’re happy to further dive into some of these issues. With that, we’ll see you next quarter.

Tani Girton: Thank you.

Operator: The meeting has now concluded. Thank you for joining. You may now disconnect.

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