Jobless claims: This week’s big jump in jobless claims was another jolt to the markets that had been waiting for a declining trend to start. As we continue to move through this economic recovery, the importance of labor statistics to bank investors will remain high.
Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index: Consumer sentiment is up this week, giving more hope that consumer spending will also see a positive trend going forward. If the Bloomberg index shows a continued positive trend, investors should take note that lending may become more popular as outlooks on the economy improve.
Fool on!
Each week there’s new information to assess and analyze, but keep in mind that no headline will make or break your bank stock. Keep an eye on the data and statistics that may help bolster your bank’s fundamentals, and don’t worry about the rest. As a long-term investor, know your investment thesis and stick with it. And as always, you can learn more by logging on to
If you think Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC)’s stock moved as much as it could when it doubled in 2012, think again. Though it still has significant challenges still ahead, the results of the stress tests could be the catalyst for Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC)’s stock resurgence. It’s critical to have a solid understanding of this megabank before adding it to your portfolio, regardless of the stress-test results.
The article 7 Must-Watch Announcements for Bank Investors Next Week originally appeared on and is written by Jessica Alling.
Fool contributor Jessica Alling has no position in any stocks mentioned — you can contact her here. The Motley Fool recommends Wells Fargo and (NYSE:WFC) owns shares of Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
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