Backblaze, Inc. (NASDAQ:BLZE) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Mimi Kong: Thank you. At this time, I’d like to go over some of the questions submitted to us from Say Technologies. Looks like we might be able to get one in and this one’s for you, Gleb. Last year, Microsoft made a change to how OneDrive syncs files resulting in Backblaze no longer being able to back up folders such as docs desktop picks when they’re set to backup up sync. Carbonite has M-365 backup option. What is Backblaze’s solution given how popular OneDrive sync is? And another part of that question is what would the cost and share price implications to launch a similar but improved equivalent to Microsoft and other leading backup and storage program speed?

Gleb Budman : So, I think the way that question sounds like Microsoft did something specific to make it so that we can’t back that up to be clear that that’s not what happened. So, what Microsoft did was customers keep files on their computer and what OneDrive did was it enabled customers to put some of their files in the cloud and not on the computer. So our computer backup service is designed to protect all of the data on your laptop or desktop. And we back up everything that is on your laptop or desktop, we back up everything that’s on your external hard drives. We do that for consumers, we do that for businesses. If the data does not exist on your computer, because it’s in the cloud, our computer backup service does not protect that data.

And so there, so I’ll say two things on that front. One is that we are very focused on continuing to grow computer backup. We think it’s a good growth business. It’s grown every single quarter since the start of this company, and we aim to continue to provide value to our customers with that service. The customers that we are focused on trying to add more functionality and features to are especially on the business side and the enterprise control functionality that we added is an example of that. But we’re very much listening to customers and seeing what else they want from us with that offering. The other thing that I will say is that with our B2 cloud storage, we serve a variety of use cases. Backing up SaaS applications, data that’s in other cloud services and data that’s in Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive are things that our customers absolutely do.

They do that with B2 as the cloud storage destination and leveraging our partners for the different use cases. So some of those use cases are served by partners of ours like Veeam and Veritas and Commvault and others, where they take care of the software side of backing up those different file types and applications and customers can then put that data into B2 and have that be the destination. So, I would say, we currently service those use cases. We service them along with our partners.

Mimi Kong: And then this would probably be the last question for today. Gleb, what is the single most impactful strategy over the next couple of quarters?

Gleb Budman : I’m not sure if I would call it a single most impactful, but as we talked about moving up market is certainly a key component for us along with the channel efforts that we’re doing. The innovation that we’ve done and continue to do is something that we believe will provide a lot of value to customers and deliver growth for us. And then we believe this trend of the open cloud is the key step. So in terms of impactful strategies, those are the key things that we’re leaning into. The other one obviously is — we’ve talked about AI at some level. We are selling effectively the picks and shovels of the AI age. I think that is going to be a significant long-term opportunity for us.

Mimi Kong: And that’s it for those questions. I’m going to hand the call back to Gleb.

Gleb Budman : Thank you, Mimi. Thank you everybody for the questions. Thank you to our investors that asked questions through the Say Technologies platform to the analysts that joined us. And operator, we’re now ready to end the call. See you next quarter.

Operator: The conference is now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect.

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