AVITA Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:RCEL) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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So, that was shared to put in context that five. So, once you five, on your way to 20, and when you get to 20, we’re in really great shape. So, what we expect is that this wave of sales force hiring will be contribution margin positive within the next four to six months. Is that helpful to your question?

Ross Osborne: Yes. Much more clear. Thank you very much for that. And then one more if I may, and apologies, we’re juggling a couple of calls, but are you able to break out, you know, Japan, Australia, and UK? I realize Japan’s probably the highest contribution to revenue outside of the U.S. And if not, would you be able to tell us what percentage of total revenue the U.S. accounted for?

James Corbett: Okay. So, in our international revenue, Japan is well over 90% of it. What we do in Australia is rather a strategic remnant from a few users who we’ve kept supported, and the same for Europe. Now, there is an international strategy coming in the November call, which will, of course, I don’t want to say fourth quarter call, because that’s really the February call, but in November, I’ve been guiding to. So, I think you can expect that our revenue for the year in Japan will — we have no reason to express other than the current year-to-date run rate as a way to think about that revenue.

Ross Osborne: Got it. Well, thanks again for taking our questions, and congrats on the quarter.

James Corbett: You bet. Thank you.

Operator: That concludes today’s question and answer session. This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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