Aurora Mobile Limited (NASDAQ:JG) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Shan-Nen Bong: Sure. Okay. Sure. I think if you look at the Q4 numbers, I think there are a lot of things that we have done right. So maybe I can just give you the top 3 that internally as an organization, we talk about it and we reflect it on ourselves and how — what we have done right. And so these are the 3 things. First, I would say is staying focused so what I meant is doing what the market and customer want and do it well. So probably to note despite a very tough environment for past 2 or 3 years, we have been laser-focused on our subscription business. So we continue to develop new functionality and new features to help our customers to operate at a higher efficiency. And as well as Brian has asked earlier. So as soon as we see the ChatGPT become widely available, so we are the first to incorporate the access of ChatGPT to our customers.

So this is very important. So all our customers are appreciative that we have this functionality for them. And secondly, if I think what we did right is making the tough decision at the right time. And probably as you have heard for the past couple of earnings calls, we started to reexamine our cost structure as soon as we see the pandemic is staying here longer than what we expect. So during that time, we restructured many departments internally and regrouped the few departments where possible. So in the process, we have trimmed our headcount significantly from a high of, I think, 620-ish employees in 2021 to 415 last month. So this is a very tough decision that we have to make. But if you look back, it was necessary and it was timely. And I think the third is we have executed our cost-cutting initiatives continuously.

I believe that the impact of cost savings is minimal, if it’s only a onetime exercise. For us in , the mentality of cost-conscious is embedded in all departments, be it from the sales VP, all the way to our admin staff. Everyone is tightly controlling all the expenses. And this is important because we need to stay afloat, we need to have a sustainable business model for long-term profitability. I guess in summary, I’ll just recap what we have read earlier in the earnings call. For those things that we have done well. So that’s the reason why this quarter we have achieved quarter-over-quarter revenue growth in all business lines. We have the highest quarterly revenue and gross profit in 2022. And again, we achieved the lowest adjusted OpEx since IPO.

And last but not least, we have the adjusted EBITDA turn positive this quarter. It was a bit long-winded, but I hope it answered your question. Secondly is on the growing overseas. Yes, this has been pretty popular, and we have been asked by a lot of analysts and investors for the past month or so. In summary, let me conclude the going overseas update. So based on the latest number we are seeing, since we started going overseas in second half of 2022, we have achieved a few milestones that are allowed to share on the call. One is we have signed up more than 50 contracts with overseas customers. All the customers for the contract values are higher than those in China, and we do not offer free trial service overseas, which means that all users of our services overseas are fee paying customers.

And also at this stage I’d like to elaborate more on how we are doing in terms of how we compare to our peers. And for us, we have actually invested infrastructure overseas to service and support our customers. So we are not just lip servicing that we are going overseas. So we do actually have made investment in the overseas venture. And secondly, we have the actual product, which is called EngageLab that we launched in Q3 of 2022. And again, WhatsApp, which is a mainstream and very popular overseas, is one of our communication channel that we can help our customers to reach their users. And number 4 is we are well versed in the legal requirement in all the Southeast Asia country on data privacy that we can help our customers to better manage their data risk.

And lastly, with our current presence in Singapore, we can effectively and efficiently help our customers to cover the entire service region. So with that, I think we are very confident that we’ll do well in the overseas market. Definitely, we will provide more colors of this segment in the future quarters earnings costs.

Operator: I’m showing no further questions. I will now turn the conference back to Rene for closing remarks.

Rene Vanguestaine: Thank you, Amber. Thank you, everyone, for joining our call tonight. If you have any further questions and comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the IR team. This concludes the call. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. That concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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